




莫斯科,ID 83844-2006


电子邮件: purchasing@rockmark.net

我该怎么做?? (常见问题)

Service Contracts are used when you purchase a service, not goods (items). Short form service contracts are used for yearly services < $10,000. Long form service contracts are used for yearly services > $10,000.

Please note that contracting is a regulated activity in the state of Idaho and per Idaho Code 54-5204 some contractors are required to register and be licensed by the Idaho Bureau of Occupational Licenses. For more in格式ion on registration please visit the Idaho Bureau of Occupational License webpage.

The short form contract is used for services with a total annual cost less than $10,000.

Please note that contracting is a regulated activity in the state of Idaho and per Idaho Code 54-5204 some contractors are required to register and be licensed by the Idaho Bureau of Occupational Licenses. For more in格式ion on registration please visit the Idaho Bureau of Occupational License webpage.

The long form contract is used for services with a total annual cost greater than $10,000.

Please note that contracting is a regulated activity in the state of Idaho and per Idaho Code 54-5204 some contractors are required to register and be licensed by the Idaho Bureau of Occupational Licenses.  For more in格式ion on registration please visit the Idaho Bureau of Occupational License webpage.

Contracts can be completed via the Service Agreements application in VandalWeb.

Please note that contracting is a regulated activity in the state of Idaho and per Idaho Code 54-5204 some contractors are required to register and be licensed by the Idaho Bureau of Occupational Licenses. For more in格式ion on registration please visit the Idaho Bureau of Occupational License webpage.

Vendor Contracts can be uploaded into the Service Agreements application by selecting  "Other Party's Agreement" and uploading the contract in Word or pdf. 格式.

Please note that contracting is a regulated activity in the state of Idaho and per Idaho Code 54-5204 some contractors are required to register and be licensed by the Idaho Bureau of Occupational Licenses. For more in格式ion on registration please visit the Idaho Bureau of Occupational License webpage.

Determine if it's an item we can Bid or Request for Proposal. 发送到 采购服务.

Short Form Service Agreement Requirements:

Contractor is an independent contractor and shall not be covered by University’s insurance. Contractor shall be responsible for determining what insurance is necessary in order to perform the work contracted for, and for procuring such insurance for itself, and shall procure all insurance required by law.

Request for Certificate of 保险

After the fact payments for unauthorized services require the signature of the college/department Fiscal Officer and Dean/Department head. Unauthorized services include the following:

  • 服务 performed without an approved and fully executed contract

  • 服务 performed where proper policies and procedures were not followed

Contracts cannot be submitted for after the fact payments. 相反,用户应该完成 After the fact payment request form 然后把表格提交给 合同及采购服务 供审查批准.





莫斯科,ID 83844-2006


电子邮件: purchasing@rockmark.net