


报告安全问题 form provides users a quick 和 easy way to submit non-emergency safety concerns on campus. With three required questions: what the safety concern/issue is, location 和 date observed; it only takes a moment to complete the mobile-friendly form. You also have the option to include a picture of the hazard if applicable. 如有需要,表格可匿名提交, keeping in mind it may be harder to resolve the situation if further information is required.

Submitted forms are directed to the appropriate department/unit for review 和 consideration.

报告安全问题 表格可以在以下大学网站上找到: 安全性, 环境健康与安全, 设施 和 停车及运输服务.

Thank you for taking the time to report a safety issue or concern right away. 如有任何问题,请致电208-885-6524或 safety@rockmark.net.

It seems everywhere you turn on campus, there’s another construction zone. 由于道路封闭,交通调整, the impacts of this work can be felt far from the actual work zone. 的 university is very good at posting construction areas, so pay attention to email alerts 和 signage at the doors of buildings or on s和wich boards so you know when 和 where the construction is going to take place.

作为一个行人, 骑自行车或滑板很重要, 现在比以往任何时候都重要, 注意你周围发生的事情. 以下是一些基本的建议:

  • 始终使用人行道或指定的备用路线
  • Do not enter an area that has signs, caution tape, cones or fencing
  • Do not move barriers that are "in your way"; this puts you, construction workers 和 others that may follow at unnecessary risk of injury
  • Comply with posted restrictions both inside buildings 和 around construction sites
  • If you must use the street to bypass construction areas, face oncoming traffic so you can make eye contact with drivers
  • Wear bright colored clothing to increase visibility to those around you
  • Carry a flashlight/use lights during the hours of darkness
  • Pay attention to large trucks 和 mobile equipment; you will see them before they see you
  • Make eye contact with drivers of the trucks 和 mobile equipment operators before proceeding

Construction work is dangerous, 和 workers need to be able to focus on their own safety. Following their directions will help them, 和 you, be safe during these activities. Note: Please report stealing of safety cones to campus security or EHS. 的 unauthorized relocation of these cones presents a real danger to our personnel 和 students.

You can follow upcoming 和 ongoing construction projects by 浏览设施网页.


Questioning certain practices with safety in mind is an essential attitude to keep you 和 the rest of the V和al family safe. Questioning challenges the complacency that grows in familiar situations 和 drives change. 质疑安全措施, 或者可能是缺乏, is vital to developing a culture of safety at the University of Idaho. 的 goal is for everyone to return home at the end of every day just as healthy as when they arrived on campus.

安全 issues are often recognized but go unreported because a person doesn't know whom to contact or assumes that someone else is already taking care of it. 在伊利诺伊大学, 我们希望每个人都能挑战这些假设, 询问情况并报告问题. 的 报告安全问题 form was created just for this purpose. 它允许匿名举报,如果你选择的话, as well as the option to upload an image of the safety problem when appropriate. 任何人都可以使用它, 和 concerns will be directed to the proper campus unit to correct the problem.

Students 和 employees are the eyes 和 ears of the community, 和 your help is essential. Get involved in the safety training opportunities available to you, ask questions if you have a concern about a procedure, take part in safety inspections 和 report issues right away - issues cannot be corrected if no one knows about them. Timely questioning 和 reporting can prevent accidents 和 near misses. 如果发生事故或险些脱险, report this as well; investigating the reason will help avoid another injury.

作为主管, you have additional influence - lead by example 和 ensure safety is a core value in your team's activities. 我们鼓励你去检查工作场所, ensure your employees are current on their safety training, talk regularly with your employees 和 discuss accident investigation reports with them 和 the U of I EHS staff. EHS has many resources available for you 和 the EHS staff can assist all supervisors in their safety efforts.

Our V和al culture is how we think 和 act in all our activities. Avoiding complacency 和 continuously challenging existing conditions that might pose a safety risk allows us as a community to identify discrepancies 和 take appropriate actions before an accident or near miss occurs. Put safety first 和 we can achieve the safest possible working 和 learning environment for our V和al family.


MS 2030 



电子邮件: safety@rockmark.net
