

你应该填一下 艺术申请表格. This applies to class projects as well as permanent art installations.

For Fire, Medical Emergency, Accidents, Hazardous Materials please dial 9-911.

您可以通过以下方式提交工作请求 法米斯绸云 (NetID登录需要)通过选择 创建请求 选项卡,或通过电子邮件向 facilities@rockmark.net. Please include a brief description of the work you are interested in having completed. A Project Manager will contact you to discuss your request.

您可以通过以下方式提交工作请求 法米斯绸云 (NetID登录需要)通过选择 创建请求 选项卡,或通过电子邮件向 facilities@rockmark.net. Please include a brief description of the work you are interested in having completed. A Project Manager will contact you to discuss your request.

如需教室,请联系 注册商.

联系 your department access/key gatekeeper. Your request will then be processed through 设施.

联系 your department access/key gatekeeper. Your request will then be processed through facilities. 关键请求以 密钥访问控制指南.

University of Idaho has two policies that restrict the use of personal electric heaters in university buildings. 首先是 a safety policy that is meant to prevent accidental fires; this policy states “space heaters must be equipped with functional safety tip-over switches and be located away from combustible materials and never left unattended when in use.“除了这个安全政策, the university has a second energy conservation policy based on the Governor’s executive order #2005-12, which prohibits all space heaters in any State building, 不管翻倒开关. What is specifically allowed under this energy policy is a radiant panel, which is a space heater since it is 不 designed to heat the space temperature.

There are two reasons for this statewide energy policy; the first is safety-related and the second addresses energy conservation. Radiant panels are designed to heat to a little over 100°F, 所以他们不能烧掉用户, nor can they start a fire if they come into contact clothing, 纸张或其他可燃材料. This is compared to an electric space heater that is designed to blow hot air into the room, using heating elements that can reach over 1000°F, 造成真正的火灾和烧伤危险. The second reason is that radiant heaters are more energy efficient because they are designed to heat the occupant directly and 不 heat the room air. The user feels comfortable due to the radiant heat beamed directly to them, despite the fact that the room air temperature is still cool. Whereas an electric space heater must raise the entire room air temperature to make the occupant comfortable.

The downside of radiant panel heaters is that they only provide comfort to the person right next to them. 对于办公室应用程序, the radiant panel would normally be located under the desk near the user’s feet, and if the occupant spends a lot of time away from their desk, the radiant heater will be less effective.

设施 does 不 provide individual heaters, 因此, when necessary departments or individuals will have to purchase their own radiant panel heaters. We also ask that users of these radiant panels always turn off the heater when leaving in the evening, 只有在真正必要的时候才使用.

University of Idaho 购物商店 stocks a 170-Watt radiant panel heater, Part Number 2101700. They can be reached at 208-885-7355 or 208-885-7555. Radiant panels may also be purchased from outside businesses locally and online.

使用 法米斯绸云 (NetID login required) to request things like routine painting, 清洁, 或者报告管道漏水, 等. If you are unsure how to complete the request form, or your account does 不 have access to the 法米斯绸 system, 请发邮件到 facilities@rockmark.net,或致电208-885-6246寻求帮助.

Call any of the following to schedule a move on campus:

普拉特移动和存储(五月花) 509-332-2505

真北搬家公司 509-780-6244

帕卢斯搬家公司 208-696-4488

请注意: If you are a moving company within the Palouse region and would like to be added to this list, 请给罗斯蒂·瓦伊登寄个信, 设施署署长 vineyard@rockmark.net.

联系 回收/固体废物协调员 设立回收站, 获取信息, 或者报告问题, 更改收集计划或垃圾箱大小.

For complete Lost and Found guidelines to UI-APM 80.09. Lost and found articles 不 claimed within 30 days are discarded, sold or given to local charities. 联系 剩余的属性.

联系 剩余的属性 for collection and sale of University of Idaho surplus property.

Call the 设施 service desk at 208-885-6246 and we will direct your call to the appropriate department.



875周界博士. MS2281

For fire or life threatening emergencies - call 911 from any phone.

For assistance after business hours contact Campus 安全 at 208-874-7550.


电子邮件: facilities@rockmark.net