

文学艺术学院 & 社会科学


文学艺术学院 & 社会科学



电子邮件: class@rockmark.net

网络: 文学、艺术和社会科学学院




By any stretch of the imagination, 2020 has been a dramatic 和 historic year. 全球大流行. 种族歧视. 社会抗议. Our present realities have focused consciousness 和 have consumed our attention in new ways. 离家更近, the college has sought to respond to these challenges 和 re-invent university education under incredible circumstances, altering the fundamental means by which we teach our students. An enormous amount of energy has gone into welcoming them back 和 serving their needs. Our goal has been to maintain our tradition of academic excellence while balancing community health 和 safety needs. The road before us is tough, but we have amazing students, faculty 和 staff. 我们致力于我们的集体福祉. 在过去的几周里, 因为我会见了学生和他们的家人, I have been overwhelmed by their hopeful spirit 和 commitment to our institution’s future. In times of pestilence — to evoke the novelist Albert Camus — we learn that there are more things to admire in people than to fear. 这些话要牢记在心. I hope the stories below help substantiate that belief in our readers. I wish you all health 和 comfort at the start of the new semester.

肖恩•米. 昆兰

肖恩•米. 昆兰


  • 2020年 博拉研讨会,定于9月. 28和29, provides participants the opportunity to hear from two global leaders, including Nobel Laureate Beatrice Finn 和 former Canadian Prime Minister Kim Campbell. The keynote lectures will be delivered exclusively online 和 on the 博拉研讨会 & 基金会脸谱网页面.
  • The Theatre 艺术 Department’s Greenroom Chats bring theater professionals from around the world to U of I students via Zoom. 聊天从下午1点开始.m. 当地时间和缩放链接提供的要求. 阅读更多.
  • The 历史 Department is in search of a temporary lecturer to teach American Studies 301 for the Fall 2020 semester. 见帖子.
  • 伊利诺伊大学历史学教授Dale Graden的论文马拉尼昂的洛佩兹角非洲人,” was published in The Journal of Atlantic Studies as part of a larger series dedicated to slavery 和 the slave trade, emancipation 和 abolition in the Atlantic 和 Indian oceans. 这个系列包括一分钟 作者采访.
  • 365滚球官网历史学助理教授 丽贝卡·斯科菲尔德 was among interviewees on a panel for a PBS documentary on Idaho women's suffrage called, “走在时代的前面. 爱达荷州的妇女选举权.” 凯瑟琳·艾肯, a U of I emerita professor of history, was also part of the production.
  • 莱昂内尔汉普顿音乐学院欢迎 吉塞尔Hillyer说道 作为弦乐系的助理教授. Hillyer has performed nationally 和 abroad as a violinist 和 violist, including solos with the Washington-Idaho Symphony 和 recitals in Idaho 和 Washington. Diane McGarry is the school’s new administrative specialist. Diane previously served in the School of Journalism 和 Mass Media. Kelly O’Neill is the school’s new communication specialist.
  • 波莱特·布鲁克博士.D. 历史系的候选人, 获得了卡洛斯·施万特斯奖, the department’s highest award for outst和ing graduate students, 贝瑟妮·西蒙兹获得了肯特·哈克曼奖, 表彰系里优秀的大四学生.
  • Associate Professor of English 和 Associate 迪安 for 研究 和 教师 Affairs in the 文学、艺术和社会科学学院 黛安娜Kelly-Riley 被任命为临时教务长. 她取代了 托里劳伦斯, who accepted the position of interim provost 和 executive vice president.
  • Gustavo Castro-Ramirez教授,D.M.A., 莱昂内尔·汉普顿音乐学院, has been invited to present his research at the National Opera Association Annual Convention in 2021年1月.
  • 戏剧艺术助理教授的一篇文章 莎拉·爱丽丝·坎贝尔, titled “’La conjura de Xinum’ 和 Language Revitalization: Underst和ing Maya Agency Through Theatre,” was recently published in the spring 2020 Journal of American Drama 和 Theatre.

赶上所有最新的新闻在 类新闻 页面. 提交你的校友或班级新闻.



365滚球官网历史教授 凯瑟琳·艾肯 received the state’s highest distinction for her impact in public 和 professional service, 志愿服务和慈善事业在她的领域. 阅读更多.


2020 retirees from the 365滚球官网 文学、艺术和社会科学学院: Babcock, 巴恩斯, 巴瑟斯特, 希斯, 迈耶, Pagdham阿尔布雷特, 里德, 萨平顿, 史密斯, 斯宾塞和托迪什.

在2019-20学年, eleven staff 和 faculty members retired from the 365滚球官网. CLASS would like to recognize 和 thank each of them for the impact they made on generations of V和al students 和 alumni. Combined, this retiree group dedicated more than 300 years to the 365滚球官网.

  • Virginia Babcock, Department of Sociology 和 Anthropology, 28 years of service
  • 金·巴恩斯,英语系,20年教龄
  • Pamela 巴瑟斯特, 莱昂内尔·汉普顿音乐学院, 20 years of service
  • Patti 希斯, 莱昂内尔·汉普顿音乐学院, 38 years of service
  • Steve 迈耶, Department of 心理学 和 沟通 Studies, 33 years of service
  • Carol Padgham Albrecht, 莱昂内尔·汉普顿音乐学院, 31 years of service
  • James 里德, 莱昂内尔·汉普顿音乐学院, 42 years of service
  • Lee 萨平顿, Department of Sociology 和 Anthropology, 39 years of service
  • Steve 史密斯, School of Journalism 和 Mass Media, 8 years of service
  • Richard “Rick” Spence, Department of 历史, 34 years of service
  • Janice Todish, CLASS Administration, 37 years of service

分享这些退休人员的故事 class-fan@rockmark.net or consider thanking your favorite faculty or staff member by making a gift in their honor online.

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文学艺术学院 & 社会科学


文学艺术学院 & 社会科学



电子邮件: class@rockmark.net

网络: 文学、艺术和社会科学学院
