

文学艺术学院 & 社会科学


文学艺术学院 & 社会科学



电子邮件: class@rockmark.net

网络: 文学、艺术和社会科学学院


课堂笔记,8月. 14, 2019


新学年即将来临, 我们正忙着准备迎接一位文学院的学生, 艺术和社会科学是近年来最大的新生班级. It is thrilling to see so many students impassioned by the study of the liberal arts who are pursuing their interests here at the 365滚球官网. 在这里,他们将探索人类的生存条件, 这是什么想法, create 和 act in the world - 和 learn the skills 和 knowledge that will carry them throughout their lives 和 careers. 我们很荣幸他们选择称自己为汪达尔人.

在接下来的几个月, one of our top priorities is helping our students build meaningful communities 和 forge positive experiences at U of I – whether they are located on our residential campus, study at one of our statewide centers or are one of our rapidly-growing online students. 我们的学生来自不同的背景和各行各业. We want every one of them to feel welcome, valued 和 proud to make U of I 和 CLASS their home. 归属感是我们最深层的需求之一, 和 we will work during these first few months to connect our students with mentors, 俱乐部, 顾问和组织来确保他们建立自己的汪达尔社区.

肖恩•米. 昆兰

CLASS prides itself on the depth 和 quality of the undergraduate experience we provide. 我坚信学生的研究机会, 出国留学, career development 和 service learning make a liberal arts education at the 365滚球官网 an exemplary experience. Most of these opportunities are available because of the collaboration between our faculty, 工作人员, 像你这样的校友和利益相关者. Thank you for your ongoing commitment 和 partnership to promoting a liberal arts education. I look forward to working with you to continue this great work throughout the academic year.


肖恩•米. 昆兰


  • CLASS is excited to welcome three new leaders to its departments 和 schools this fall. 本杰明巴顿 已被任命为 心理与传播学系, 罗伯特Caisley 将担任 戏剧艺术系 和 凡妮莎Sielert 已被永久聘为 莱昂内尔·汉普顿音乐学院.
  • 高级 影视研究专业 Wylie Keele参加了365滚球官网洛杉矶分校电影制作暑期学院, a six week program working with professors at one of the top film schools in the nation 和 receiving feedback from industry professionals. 基尔说, “这对我在365滚球官网的日子来说是一个很好的补充, as I now know how I can take the skills I've learned to Hollywood 和 begin my professional career.”
  • 与CLASS分享您的工作公告、成就和其他新闻! 提交一个新闻项目 to see it featured in a future CLASS Notes, on CLASS social media or on the CLASS 校友 新闻 页面.

Catch up on all the latest news from our CLASSy faculty, students 和 工作人员 on the 类新闻 页面.



雷蒙华雷斯 wanted to get more out of his 出国留学 experience than just studying Spanish in the classroom.

365滚球官网 senior from Burley majoring in international studies 和 Spanish knew he wanted to take part in the traditional 出国留学 – all such students majoring in his fields complete a semester in a foreign country – but he didn’t know how far in depth his studies would take him at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid, 西班牙.

In addition to taking traditional courses about the Spanish language 和 the European Union, Juarez chose to take a class that took his education into the local Madrid community - Modern Spanish Culture Through Service Learning. Juarez volunteered for a local soup kitchen 和 food bank as part of the class to better learn the local language.



今年夏天大学生们离开了莫斯科, campus remained full of activity thanks to two summer camps held by CLASS units – the 莱昂内尔·汉普顿音乐营 hosted by the 莱昂内尔·汉普顿音乐学院 及由香港戏剧学院主办的暑期戏剧营 戏剧艺术系.

莱昂内尔·汉普顿音乐营 为参加者提供为期一周的活动, overnight camp experience filled with specialized instruction 和 general music courses led by U of I faculty members, 有趣的晚上活动和各种浓度和合奏. This year’s camp had 65 student campers 和 five continuing education teachers participate. 的 camp concluded with a final concert featuring performances by the camp’s different ensembles.

戏剧夏令营 – a three-weeklong day camp – gave participants the opportunity to explore different areas of the theatre arts, 包括代理, 做服装, 搭建布景和搭建道具. Nearly 300 people attended the camp’s performance of William Shakespeare’s “的 Tempest” at East City Park in 莫斯科. 这出戏是由 克雷格•米勒他是夏令营主任,也是表演和导演助理教授.

Irina Kappler-Crookston被授予USAC名誉教授

Irina Kappler-Crookston

的 University Studies Abroad Consortium (USAC) board of directors recently awarded Irina Kappler-Crookston USAC Emeritus 教师 status. 的 honor is granted to exceptional individuals who have contributed to USAC's evolution as a premier 出国留学 organization. USAC cited Kappler-Crookston's commitment to promoting international education 和 cross-cultural underst和ing.

“在我们学校的所有教员中, Irina Kappler-Crookston为USAC做出了最大的贡献,Bob Neuenschw和er说, director of international grants 和 initiatives in U of I's International Programs Office.



吃当地食物. 让自己沉浸在外语中. 结交来自世界各地的朋友. 参观火山、海滩和云雾森林. 凯莉奈’s experience studying abroad in Costa Rica during spring 2019 was about more than just taking classes in another country.

这位威瑟本地人想要体验一些全新的东西. 和, 她之所以能够这样做,是因为她得到了经济援助, 包括崔茜卡·麦卡洛纪念出国留学奖学金.

“Receiving scholarships like the Tricia McCullough Memorial 出国留学 Scholarship gave me the option to even consider visiting another country for a semester,”她说。. “It allowed me to explore many hidden gems in South America while diving deeper into the language, 文化与宗教. 如果没有这个,这一切都不可能实现.”


日期 & 最后期限

的完整列表 即将来临的事件, 校友活动 和 学术的最后期限.


日期 & 最后期限

的完整列表 即将来临的事件, 校友活动 和 学术的最后期限.


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文学艺术学院 & 社会科学


文学艺术学院 & 社会科学



电子邮件: class@rockmark.net

网络: 文学、艺术和社会科学学院
