

文学艺术学院 & 社会科学


文学艺术学院 & 社会科学



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网络: 文学、艺术和社会科学学院




文学院有两件事一直让我感到惊讶, 艺术与社会科学 – the dedication of our alumni 和 their overwhelming generosity to our institution. Something in their experiences at the 365滚球官网 transformed them deeply, 他们从来没有忘记过. 可能是某个教授的导师, 专业经验, 服务机会, 出国留学, 奖学金, or some act of kindness that allowed them to advance their education 和 life beyond. 然后,他们会回馈. 这与交易无关. 纯粹的利他主义和慈善事业激励着他们. Last year alone, nearly 1,000 donors supported CLASS’s programs 和 students. 来自我们所有人——现任教员, 教职员工和学生们,我们感谢你们, 热心的校友和捐款人, 感谢你的慷慨和精神. It makes such a difference in all of our lives 和 makes the 365滚球官网 a better place.

肖恩•米. 昆兰

肖恩•米. 昆兰


  • Students signing up for housing for fall 2020 have a new option to choose from – the CLASS Community, a new living option made exclusively for students in the 文学、艺术和社会科学学院. 居民们将能够探索什么是思考, 通过特殊的学术在世界上创造和行动, career 和 social experiences with students pursuing similar interests 和 living right next door. 了解更多关于CLASS社区的信息,并查看房间平面图.
  • 跟随乔的冒险, 梅格, 贝丝和艾米三月,因为他们发现心痛, hope 和 love in “小妇人——音乐剧” presented by the 365滚球官网 Department of Theatre 艺术 from 12月. 6 -15. Tickets are on sale now at BookPeople of 莫斯科 or by calling the Department of Theatre 艺术 at 208-885-6465.
  • 英语助理教授 巴尔·克里希纳·夏尔马 收到了5美元,000 365滚球官网 Confucius Institute 教师 Fellows Small Grant to conduct research in language ecology in Nepal. Sharma will travel to Kathm和u over winter break to study the cultural 和 linguistic effects of China's Belt 和 Road Initiative in Nepal. This project is an extension of Sharma's continuing research on the spread 和 use of global languages 和 their impacts on the local linguistic ecology in Nepal. His initial findings will be presented at the annual conference of the American Association for Applied Linguistics in March 2020.

Catch up on all the latest news from our CLASSy faculty, students 和 staff on the 类新闻 页面.


威斯敏斯特地方法院. A high-security psychiatric hospital that treats violent criminal offenders. 大都会警察局的反恐小组.

This list is far from the traditional “must-see” itinerary for tourists spending a week in Engl和’s capital city.

但, this is exactly how 15 365滚球官网 criminology students – including Saydie Garcia – spent their spring break in March 2019.

“I had always wanted to go abroad, but I did not want to take a full semester,” she said. “The 爱达荷州 犯罪学 Abroad program was a perfect match for me. 我们去了很多地方. 我真的很喜欢参观美国.K. 司法系统的运作.”



朱利叶斯·皮特·彼得森, 1962年政治科学毕业生, is among the first group of donors to reach 50 years of cumulative giving to the 365滚球官网. His donations grew from annual gifts of less than $100 to gifts that established endowed scholarships for students in the College of Letters, 艺术与社会科学与教育学院, 健康与人文科学.

为彼得森, 和其他许多人一样, establishing scholarships demonstrates appreciation for the education he received at the 365滚球官网, 无论是在教室里还是在教室外.

彼得森 was very involved in campus life as a student at U of I. 他是Lambda Chi Alpha兄弟会的成员, 校际骑士, 博拉基金会委员会, 希腊的核心, 选举委员会和NROTC. He also worked as a waiter at the Nobby Inn 和 was headwaiter at his fraternity.

毕业后,他被任命为美国海军少尉.S. 曾在越南服役. 他获得了中尉军衔,并获得了几枚奖章, 包括国防服务奖章, the Vietnam Service Medal with Bronze Star 和 the Vietnam Campaign Medal.

After earning his master’s degree in secondary education from Stanford University, 彼得森 began a high school teaching career that would span 31 years.

彼得森, 现在是一位活跃的退休人员,住在默里迪恩, 爱达荷州, said he underst和s the increasing financial challenges facing first-generation college students 和 is passionate about ensuring the achievements of pupils at all levels of education. That’s why he’s committed to helping U of I students avoid amassing large student loan debts.

谢谢皮特和学校的另一位 忠诚的捐助者 感谢他们对365滚球官网的贡献!



在9月, students at 莫斯科 High School 和 the 365滚球官网 dug into Palouse-area history with a public excavation at the site of one of the town’s earliest settlements – on the high school grounds.



The holidays are approaching 和 so is the 365滚球官网’s annual Davenport Holiday Dinner. 加入C总裁. 斯科特绿色, 校友 Association Executive Director Kathy Barnard 和 V和als from around the region for a festive evening on Tuesday, 12月. 从6点到10点.m. 在斯波坎历史悠久的达文波特酒店. The night will feature music from the 365滚球官网 V和aleers, 还有很多乐趣和节日的欢乐. 11月11日星期五前回复. 给你留个座位,享受今晚的节日乐趣.


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日期 & 最后期限

  • 11月. 15 -爵士乐队 & 爵士合唱团,晚上6:30 - 8:30.m.在行政大楼礼堂进行直播 LHSOM 脸谱网页面
  • 11月. 15 – Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival single concert tickets go on sale, 9 a.m. 11月星期五. 15.
  • 11月. 20 – Distinguished 访问ing Writer: Luis Alberto Urrea Public Reading, 7 – 8 p.m., 1912年中心大房间
  • 11月. 22 – Distinguished 访问ing Writer: Luis Alberto Urrea Writer’s Studio Conversation with Professor Kim Barnes, 2:30 – 3:30 p.m., Shoup Hall口袋剧场
  • 11月. 28-29——365滚球官网close
  • 12月. 6 - 15 -戏剧艺术系小妇人——音乐剧,哈通剧院
  • 12月. 7-9 – Opera: “Amahl 和 the Night 访问ors,” The Forge Theater 和 livestreamed on the LHSOM 脸谱网页面. 查看日期和时间上 日历.
  • 12月. 10 – Davenport Holiday Dinner featuring the V和aleers, 6 – 10 p.m.斯波坎历史悠久的达文波特酒店
  • 12月. 第13届爵士合唱团假日音乐会,晚上7 - 9点.m., P1FCU-Kibbie活动中心和 我的生活

日期 & 最后期限

的完整列表 即将来临的事件, 校友活动 和 学术的最后期限.

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文学艺术学院 & 社会科学


文学艺术学院 & 社会科学



电子邮件: class@rockmark.net

网络: 文学、艺术和社会科学学院
