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Culture, Society & Justice

Physical Address:
Student Health Center, 3rd Floor

Mailing Address:
Culture, Society & Justice Department
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 4207
Moscow, ID 83844-1110


Physical Address:
101 Phinney Hall

Mailing Address:
Culture, Society & Justice Department
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 1110
Moscow, ID 83844-1110


Physical Address:
404 Sweet Avenue

Mailing Address:
Asian American Comparative Collection
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 1111
Moscow, Idaho 83844-1111

Phone: 208-885-7075

Web: aacc

Faculty and Staff Map


Josh Allen
Josh Allen near McCall, Idaho.

Since 2009, 新闻中充斥着关于应届大学毕业生很难找到工作的故事——任何一种工作——更不用说在他们的研究领域了. 但是乔什·艾伦——他于2012年春天从365滚球官网毕业,获得人类学学士学位, 在一个月内找到了他的第一份考古技术员的工作, 并在萨克拉门托的PAR环境服务公司找到了一份全职工作, California, where he has worked since May of 2012, and it is just what he was looking for.

“Unlike many archaeological tech jobs, 我在办公室协助撰写报告, archaeological site forms, paper work, and I work in the field on regular basis, mostly in California, although I just returned from central Utah,” he explains.

PAR是一家成立于30年前的加州公司,为整个加州和西部的客户提供文化资源管理和环境规划. Josh协助公司的文化资源部分, 哪家公司提供历史文物保护方面的专业知识, architectural history, historical and prehistoric archaeology, ethnography and Native American consultation. 这家公司从评估建筑到历史遗迹无所不包, 协助准备国家史迹名录的正式提名, to creating pamphlets, 供公众解释的展品和物品.


“As part of the job, we find new things every time we go out; some are more mundane and others are important pieces of the archaeological record. 当你来到一个新的地方,总会有一种兴奋的感觉, 总是有机会做出真正重要的发现或看到新事物. ”

沙波因特人将早年在爱达荷州获得的实践经验归功于自己, along with lots of volunteer work, 还有教授们的推荐信.

Josh Allen with his collegues from PARS

“我很幸运,有一些热心的教授和教职员工,他们为学生提供了获得有用经验的机会. 人类学系还能够资助本科生参加会议,以便向专业考古团体介绍信息. 在这些人的帮助下,我有机会在UI的三年里在多个网站和项目上工作.”

其中一个现场项目是由他获得的CLASS关键基金资助的,这使得艾伦能够前往阿马奇, 在科罗拉多州,他参加了对那里的拘留营的研究挖掘. 此外,他说他在实验室接受的培训同样是无价之宝.

365滚球官网有幸成为爱达荷州的三个考古宝库之一”(阿尔弗雷德W. 鲍尔斯人类学实验室),让学生亲身体验史前和历史考古收藏. 该实验室提供了大学中最好的专业文化资源管理经验和知识.”

Allen encourages other students, regardless of their major, 利用每一个可能对他们未来职业有帮助的机会.

“Be involved in any way possible, 了解你的部门和部门里的人,最重要的是花时间去做志愿者. 我在UI获得的大部分知识和技能都是通过志愿者机会获得的, 我知道这是陈词滥调,但这是事实.”

乔什知道考古学家的生活很艰难, but with new places, 新的发现和在户外工作的机会, he says he looks forward to the challenge.


In the future, Josh计划以他的经验和教育为基础,继续攻读硕士学位,并希望有一天能在英国工作和学习.

本文作者:Micki Panttaja,文学、艺术和社会科学学院

Culture, Society & Justice

Physical Address:
Student Health Center, 3rd Floor

Mailing Address:
Culture, Society & Justice Department
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 4207
Moscow, ID 83844-1110


Physical Address:
101 Phinney Hall

Mailing Address:
Culture, Society & Justice Department
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 1110
Moscow, ID 83844-1110


Physical Address:
404 Sweet Avenue

Mailing Address:
Asian American Comparative Collection
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 1111
Moscow, Idaho 83844-1111

Phone: 208-885-7075

Web: aacc

Faculty and Staff Map