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Culture, Society & 正义

Physical Address:
Student 健康 Center, 3rd Floor

Mailing Address:
Culture, Society & 正义 Department
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 4207
Moscow, ID 83844-1110

Phone: 208-885-6751


网络: Culture, Society and 正义 Department


Physical Address:
101 Phinney Hall

Mailing Address:
Culture, Society & 正义 Department
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 1110
Moscow, ID 83844-1110

Phone: 208-885-6751


网络: Culture, Society and 正义 Department


Physical Address:
404 Sweet Avenue

Mailing Address:
Asian American Comparative Collection
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 1111
Moscow, Idaho 83844-1111

Phone: 208-885-7075

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教师 and 工作人员 Map

A Mammoth Discovery

Lee sappington holding mammoth bones
考古学家李·萨平顿拿着在克拉克斯顿港扩建遗址发现的两块大骨头碎片. He tentatively identified them as those of a mammoth. 这种动物在一万多年前从北美消失了. Photo by Tribune photographer Barry Kough.



里面装着拳头大小的骨头,用棕色纸袋包裹着, 它的外表看起来很像他脚下的岩石.


"In this case, I can't tell you it's a mammoth. I can tell you it's a really big animal," 萨平顿说. "It's mammoth-sized. That's a fair way of saying it. I haven't confirmed it yet."


3月13日,工人们在挖掘下水道沟渠时,在地下12英尺处发现了两具骨头,它们相距12英尺. One broke, revealing a perforated and porous interior.


"You can see the marrow," he said.

Close up of Mammoth bone fragment
Close-up of one of bone fragments.


"They did the right thing," 萨平顿说. "They were following protocol."

萨平顿正准备给他的学生们做一个测试,但他设法在下班前赶到了. He began creating a plan.

他咨询了内兹珀斯部落和华盛顿州考古与历史保护部门. Mother Nature cooperated in a way, raining out construction until Tuesday, 在萨平顿获得了他需要的授权之后,他就开始行动了.

他一到, 所有的工作都恢复了,因为他的两个挖掘区域在下水道的两侧, each about 2 meters square.

工作人员在两个洞中清除了大约10英尺深的土壤. Sappington and four graduate students followed, 做着手工挖掘的繁琐工作直到骨头被发现的地方.

一块木炭正在战壕东侧的位置上绘制地图. 李·萨平顿,达科塔·沃伦,劳拉·朗斯塔夫和凯尔·帕克.
李·萨平顿(左)与学生达科塔·沃伦一起工作, 劳拉龙斯达夫 (with clipboard), 和凯尔·帕克, as the map the site.


"This is like a crime scene," 萨平顿说. "You need evidence."

如果他们今天还没找到其他藏物的话, 他们会离开, 相信他会是第一个知道更多消息的人, 萨平顿说.

发生在克拉克斯顿西部边缘公园的事情并非完全出乎意料. 萨平顿几个月前看了这处房产,离开时觉得泥土里可能藏着一些有趣的东西.

工作人员被要求密切关注并提醒萨平顿任何异常情况. That the crews made the initial, 骨头和其他残骸之间的难以区分并不让韦恩·蒂皮特感到惊讶, chairman of the Port of Clarkston Commission.

"When you're digging, 你总是在寻找,一些不寻常的东西会吸引你的眼球,蒂皮特说, who has worked as an excavator.

而萨平顿则专注于克拉克斯顿附近的骨头能揭示什么关于猛犸象, Case Stedham has other concerns. 斯特德汉姆是西部建筑公司的总裁,该公司是该港口项目的承包商.

Stedham said he's worried about sightseers.

"People flat out don't need to be out here," he said. "It's a dangerous site. It's private property. There's no trespassing."

凯尔·帕克, 达科塔·沃伦, 劳拉龙斯达夫, and Lee Sappington, (left to right) stand in the bottom of their excavation.

港口官员正在关注形势的发展,并监控预算. 到目前为止, 与延期相关的额外建设费用尚未计算出来, but are not anticipated to be significant, Port Manager Wanda Keefer said in an email.


This isn't the first time mammoths, ice age relatives of the elephant, have put Sappington in the spotlight. He oversaw sites close to Pomeroy in the late 1980s, 1995年在格兰维尔附近的托洛湖,同年在卡米亚附近.


The Pomeroy skeleton was about 23,它有1000年的历史,在安装光纤线路时浮出水面. 在一项修复工程中,至少8具淹没在Tolo湖中的猛犸象的部分骨骼被发现. Since they had been in the water so long, 他们没有足够的碳来进行准确的年代测定.

The artifacts near Kamiah date back to 13,大约有5000年的历史,最初是在20世纪50年代在私人土地上发现的. 但萨平顿直到一位土地所有者去世,他的遗孀才允许他进入,他才获得了勘探的许可.

Sappington's previous work is informing what he does now, 帮助他推测克拉克斯顿港公园里骨头的年龄.


By that time, the landscape had changed. He said there were signs of human activity, 还有熊和麋鹿等动物至今仍栖息在该地区.

Article by Elaine Williams, The Lewiston Tribune. Original published March 20, 2014. Republished with permission.

Williams may be contacted at or 208-848-2261.

Culture, Society & 正义

Physical Address:
Student 健康 Center, 3rd Floor

Mailing Address:
Culture, Society & 正义 Department
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 4207
Moscow, ID 83844-1110

Phone: 208-885-6751


网络: Culture, Society and 正义 Department


Physical Address:
101 Phinney Hall

Mailing Address:
Culture, Society & 正义 Department
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 1110
Moscow, ID 83844-1110

Phone: 208-885-6751


网络: Culture, Society and 正义 Department


Physical Address:
404 Sweet Avenue

Mailing Address:
Asian American Comparative Collection
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 1111
Moscow, Idaho 83844-1111

Phone: 208-885-7075

网络: 协会的

教师 and 工作人员 Map