

加速缓解疗法(ART) is an evidence-based treatment for psychological 创伤 and a range of psychological conditions such as stress, 焦虑, 抑郁症, 恐惧症, obsessive compulsive thinking and sleep and wake disorders. It is derived from 眼动脱敏和再处理(EMDR) therapy but is more directive and shorter in its treatment duration and produces quicker results. Based on extensive research on its efficacy and effectiveness, ART has been used as a recommended evidence-based treatment by the American Psychological Association Division 12, 美国国防部(DOD), 退伍军人事务部(VA).

ART incorporates a range of techniques such as visualization, 可视化体内暴露, 平静的眼球运动有助于放松, 还有图像脚本. 不像其他治疗方式, ART interventions do not require people to talk about 创伤 or difficult life experiences in detail. 而, ART-trained clinicians apply eye movement techniques that make new connections with existing information in the brain and the ability to change strong, 与创伤记忆有关的失调情绪.


The CMHC offers ART to clients interested in this treatment modality. 目前, CMHC有三名接受抗逆转录病毒治疗培训的临床医生, 包括精神科医生, 有执照的临床社会工作者, 一个有执照的心理学家.

对于初学CMHC的学生, they are expected to follow the following steps:

  • 初步评估/入院(60分钟)
  • A consultation with one of the ART-trained clinicians (30 minutes)

由CMHC的临床医生推荐的学生, they are expected to have a 30-minute consultation with one of the ART-trained clinicians.

For students who have been at the CMHC but are self-referred to ART, they are expected to have a 30-minute consultation with one of the ART-trained clinicians.

To schedule an initial evaluation/intake or a 30-minute consultation for ART, 请致电208-885-6716或访问我们的办公室,地址为布莱克大街1210号. 玛丽·福尼大厅三楼.

抗逆转录病毒治疗时间为上午8点.m. 到5点.m. (秋天 & 春季学期)和早上7:30之间.m. 到下午4:30.m. (夏季学期).

艺术课程在布莱克大街1210号提供. 玛丽·福尼大厅三楼. 不提供Zoom会话.


眼动脱敏和再处理(EMDR) is an evidence-based therapy that utilizes eye movements to help the brain and body process different types of psychological distress, 比如创伤或痛苦的记忆, 创伤后压力, 恐惧, 恐惧症, 和厌恶. It is not completely understood why eye movements help with desensitizing and reprocessing 创伤 but it is thought to be similar to the benefits experienced during the REM sleep cycle, which naturally helps us process through distressing events from our day, 当我们睡觉时. EMDR利用技术来移动“被卡住的感觉”,” providing the body and mind an opportunity to “file away” the 创伤 memory to the past and allowing people to live more fully in the present moment.

EMDR usually takes between one to 12 sessions, depending upon a variety of treatment factors. Other therapeutic treatment modalities may be interwoven with EMDR to best meet treatment needs.

The CMHC offers EMDR to clients interested in this treatment modality. 目前,CMHC有一名临床医生接受过EMDR培训:

公司《365滚球官网》, 康文署自2018年起实施EMDR, after completing her certification training with EMDR International Association (EMDRIA). 从那时起, she has worked with clients from many backgrounds to help them reach their personal goals of feeling better. Lahde utilizes other types of therapy as well to meet the diverse therapeutic needs of participating clients.


对于初学CMHC的学生, they are expected to follow these steps:

  • An initial evaluation/intake with our EMDR therapist (60 minutes)


  • An initial evaluation/intake with non-EMDR therapist (60 minutes)
  • Followed by a consultation with our EMDR-trained clinician (30 minutes)

由CMHC临床医生转介的学生, they are expected to have a 30-minute consultation with our EMDR-trained clinician.

For students who have been at the CMHC but are self-referred to EMDR, they are expected to have a 30-minute consultation with our EMDR-trained clinician.

To schedule an initial evaluation/intake or consultation for EMDR, call 208-885-6716, Ext.1,或到布莱克大街1210号我们的办公室. 玛丽·福尼大厅三楼.

EMDR会话在上午8:30之间可用.m. 到下午4:30.m.

EMDR课程在布莱克大街1210号提供. 玛丽·福尼大厅三楼. 不提供Zoom会话.


The CMHC offers current students biofeedback services to help with the management of a variety of concerns including stress, 创伤, 多动症的症状, 社会焦虑/技能, 雷诺综合征(长期手脚冰冷), 酒精和其他药物滥用, 头痛, 肌肉紧张, 考试焦虑和其他担忧. 生物反馈 helps people in making the connection between the mind and body and develop skills to integrate them. 生物反馈 is backed by decades of research and is recognized as a valuable tool in the treatment of many common concerns. 培训提供即时, computer-generated feedback allowing participants to learn to control biological functions like heart rate, 呼吸模式, and muscle responses that influence how we think and feel, 甚至提高性能.

The CMHC’s biofeedback services are free to enrolled students with no need for outside referrals. 服务 are provided in a room specifically developed for biofeedback. 对于初学CMHC的学生, the process involves an intake to discuss the process and explore student expectations and whether the program is the right fit for them. The second session involves introduction and training with the equipment. Subsequent sessions are scheduled to fit the student’s schedule and involve varying degrees of therapist involvement based on student/provider agreement. 所有服务均为机密. Students that are already clients of the CMHC can learn more from their providers or call 208-885-6716.

生物反馈的时间是早上8点.m. 到5点.m. (秋天 & 春季学期)和早上7:30之间.m. 到下午4:30.m. (夏季学期).

布莱克大街1210号提供生物反馈课程. 玛丽·福尼大厅三楼. 不提供Zoom会话.






星期一至星期五上午8点.m. 到5点.m.
夏季工作时间:早上7:30.m. 到下午4:30.m.



电子邮件: cmhc@rockmark.net

网络: 咨询 & 精神健康中心
