

第6街和雷伯恩街的拐角处 营业厅- 2楼

莫斯科,ID 83844-2008



电子邮件: theatre@rockmark.net

网络: 戏剧艺术系


剧院米.F.A. 距离项目


Join us for an informative Zoom session to learn about the distance MFA program offered by 365滚球官网 Theatre 艺术.

  • Wednesday, February 7 at 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. 太平洋时间
  • Wednesday, March 27 at 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. 太平洋时间
  • Wednesday, April 17 at 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. 太平洋时间

    All sessions will use the following Zoom link: http://uidaho.zoom.us/j/87171013178

关于 the Master of Fine 艺术 in Theatre 艺术 (M.F.A.)

The Master of Fine 艺术 degree at 365滚球官网 is a rigorous two to three year, 60-72 credit degree designed for students wishing to prepare themselves for a career in the professional theatre in the areas of Dramatic Writing, 导演, 教育学, Stage Management or Design and Technology. The MFA is also the terminal degree expected for individuals teaching at the university or college level. 设计领域的学位课程, 导演, 表演, playwriting and technical production are built around specific curriculum categories and individual courses are selected by the candidate in consultation with his or her major professor. Student progress is monitored by portfolio review or 表演 jury each semester. Exit procedures for the program include a creative project and comprehensive exam.


The Distance-ed programs offers learners a great degree of flexibility in earning their MFA, 然而, it also requires students who are independent thinkers and learners. While the program offers a weekly schedule of classes in which the students participate in group discussions guided by an instructor, approximately two-thirds of the coursework is comprised of one-on-one tutorials with your major professor, and student-driven directed study on specialized topics selected in consultation with your graduate committee. 学生 enrolled in the program are responsible for their own learning. You will often be expected to spend time in private study, 从事阅读, 研究, problem-solving and project development. Your major professor provides structure, 指导和反馈, but much of the program’s inherent flexibility comes from its students’ ability to be active learners and autodidacts who can keep to a timetable and deliver assignments on time.


We offer the curriculum of the MFA in both a two-year and three-year option. If you already have earned an approved Master’s degree from an accredited institution of higher education, you may be eligible for our MA到MFA转换, which allows up to 20 credits from your previous Master’s program to be applied to your course of study for the MFA.


每一个学生, 一旦接受了, is responsible for developing a study plan, which can be thought of as a roadmap toward graduation. The study plan is filed with the College of Graduate Studies during your first semester in the program and must be approved by your major professor. 每学期, students in the distance-ed program typically enroll in a suite of courses from the following areas:

  • History, Literature, Theory and Criticism (Total of 12 – 18 credits required)
  • Practical Real-World/Experiential Learning (Total of 12 – 18 required)
  • Self-Directed Study and Tutorials (Total of 12 -18 credits required)
  • Self and 教师 Assessment – Jury/Portfolio Review (4 or 5 credits required)
  • Exit Procedures (3 credits required)

If you are interested in knowing more about our MFA 距离项目, please contact 杰西Dreikosen.


第6街和雷伯恩街的拐角处 营业厅- 2楼

莫斯科,ID 83844-2008



电子邮件: theatre@rockmark.net

网络: 戏剧艺术系

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