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If you have sufficient evidence that your citation was issued in error, or can provide a detailed account of extenuating circumstances for being in violation, you may 上诉 自发出之日起15天内. Citations that are appealed are placed on hold and no payment is due until a decision has been made and you have been notified.

Appeals must directly and accurately describe the facts of the case. 为了上诉成功, there must be substantial and valid evidence that the parking violation was not committed, 这是由于你无法控制的情况造成的, or there were other extenuating circumstances that should be considered. 你的证据必须随上诉一起提交. In the case of multiple citations, each must be appealed individually.

Please note根据大学学生行为准则(第二条), Section A-2) sending obscene or abusive messages is a form of misconduct and is subject to disciplinary action.

“Extenuating circumstances” means that something occurred that was beyond your control or was extraordinarily unusual. 向上诉委员会证明这一点, you must provide evidence that the situation was out of your control or extraordinarily unusual. 证据包括, 但不限于:医生/医院的记录, 与医疗问题有关的收据, 机械修理收据, 两个收据, 许可证的照片或录像, signage, 停车熄火, etc.), emails, or any other documentation that supports your position.

无效的原因 for appeals are anything that was not extenuating or extraordinary. An event or circumstance that is considered predictable is not grounds for an appeal. A good example is “My important meeting ran longer than scheduled and I couldn’t leave.” It might not have been predictable that a specific meeting could run beyond its scheduled time, but generally speaking it’s very common for meetings to run late, so planning ahead for the possibility of a late meeting is a reasonable expectation. 其他无效理由包括但不限于:

无效的原因 to appeal (and appeals likely to be denied by the committee) include but are not limited to:


  • 我要迟到了.
  • 停车计时器快用完了.
  • I accidentally ran over the time limit in a timed space (15-minute space).
  • 我在参加一个重要的会议,不能离开.
  • I was only there one minute [or two or three or five or any number] longer than the meter/time limit.


  • 我不知道休息时不能停在那里.
  • There was nowhere else to park; no parking spaces were available.
  • 出于安全考虑,我不得不把车停在这里.
  • 我把车停在消防车道上, 交付的空间, 或者其他受限空间, but only for a short time; I had my hazard lights on.


  • I’m on a waiting list for a permit and thought I could park.
  • 我不知道我还需要许可证
  • 我不认为下午5点以后就有空位了.m. (parked in individually signed meter/gold space or reserved space).
  • 我不知道在那里停车需要许可证.
  • 我没看到牌子.
  • I have a WSU virtual permit and I didn’t know I needed to apply for and display a permit at U of I.
  • 我不知道停车还需要付钱.
  • 我周围没人有罚单.
  • 我没有占用任何人的空间.
  • 停车场几乎空无一人.
  • I used AMP and I didn’t know that I had to enter my license plate.
  • I used AMP and I thought I put my license plate in correctly.
  • 有人告诉我可以把车停在这里.
  • 我被误导了.
  • I parked here because I had class/ROTC/another commitment or requirement.
  • 因为我参加了一个必须参加的活动[后备军官训练队], training, 运动实践, any other “required” activity] the rules shouldn’t apply.
  • 别人开着我的车.


  • I paid the meter (when the citation was written in a space requiring a permit).
  • I have no new/additional information to provide with a second appeal request.
  • 停车许可证卖得太多了,都是他们的错.

Choosing Not to Comply with Requirements/Not Seeking Clarification

  • I parked in a motorcycle parking area because it is too cold and snowy for motorcycles to use the spaces.
  • I’ve parked there several times and have never been cited.
  • I knew I needed a valid permit to park but did not obtain one.
  • 我只是没交停车费.
  • 罚款太高了.
  • 我买不起这个.
  • 我付不起车费,收到了更多罚单.

庸俗或亵渎的呼吁: The use of expletives or profane language in an appeal will result in an 自动拒绝.

The 停车委员会 is comprised of three faculty members, 工作人员三名, two students and the non-voting 停车委员会 Coordinator. The Committee reviews and makes decisions on all submitted appeals once a month. As soon as a decision is made, the appealing party is notified through an email or letter.

The 停车委员会 decision will be based solely upon matters indicated in the citation, 在上诉中陈述, 或随上诉一并提交作为证据. The Committee will address each appeal by making a decision to:

  • 驳回上诉.
  • 批准上诉.
  • Partially 批准上诉 by reducing the associated fine. 

If you are dissatisfied with the 停车委员会's decision, a written request including new information not included within the original appeal may be 通过电子邮件提交(parking@uidaho).edu) for a second appeal within 15 days of the first appeal decision notification. This request must include new information that was not part of the original appeal or it will not be considered for a second appeal. Second appeal requests containing new information are sent directly to the 停车委员会 for review.

如果你对第二次上诉决定不满意, a third written appeal may be submitted within 15 days to 停车及运输服务. Third appeal requests are forwarded to the Assistant Vice President of Auxiliary Services for review. The decision made at this step is the final university decision. 

对大学的最终决定不满意, students have the option of appealing the final university determination to the State Board of Education.

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Rm 135
Moscow, ID

M-F, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

M-F, 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.


MS 4106
Moscow, ID