
3090 -临时小时工


  • 位置: 人力资源总监
  • 电子邮件: hr@rockmark.net

最后更新: 2020年7月1日


A. 职位的定义和设立
B. 任命
C. 好处
D. Restrictions on Use of Grievance Procedures
E. 雇用亲属
F. 监督
G. FAST花名册程序

A. 职位的定义和设立. 临时小时(TH)职位是指员工根据服务需要按小时支付报酬的职位. Employment can be terminated at will, and the employee has no expectation of continuing 就业. 此雇佣类别不包括由于工作和/或资金突发事件或雇佣信中注明的其他突发事件而临时由董事会任命的职位. (见FSH 3080)

A-1. 当有临时或间歇性的服务需要时,每个历年预计服务时间不超过1385小时.

a. If the temporary services are expected to exceed 1385 hours in any one year or a one-year period, 部门管理员将需要设立一个临时的或持续的董事会任命的职位,并通过大学的招聘系统发布该职位的广告. 看到FSH 3080 for establishing a board-appointed position).

A-2. 部门管理人员有权聘用卫生部门员工,从部门卫生预算中按小时支付工资.

A-3. Deans and directors are responsible to ensure and document that recruitment, 就业, 员工的人事行动和人事政策符合法律要求,并以与平权行动和平等机会原则一致的方式进行. Human 资源 provides assistance in classifying positions, 确定薪酬范围, 撰写职位描述, 招聘, and hiring of temporary positions upon request. 新员工所需的文件, such as payroll and verification of I-9 status, is processed and verified by Human 资源 If a background check is required, 必须通过人力资源部提出要求,并在任何工作开始和其他文书工作完成之前或在EPAF启动之前获得结果.

A-4. Persons employed as TH employees may be terminated without prior notice without cause assigned. The supervisor may give advance notice of termination when appropriate.

B. 任命. 在雇佣开始之前,每个TH员工必须在电子人事行动表(EPAF)上填写并批准TH的任命. All data requested must be entered on the EPAF screen.

B-1. 每个新员工必须在开始工作前访问人力资源部,提供I-9文件所需的信息,包括其他相关和必要的文件. Appropriate alternate arrangements are made for persons employed at locations away from 莫斯科.

B-2. 联系人力资源部或当前的人力资源横幅手册,了解有关工作时间报告的说明.

C. 好处.

C-1. TH employees are eligible only for annual leave, sick leave and pay for holidays on which they do not work (see C-2 below and 3460 D-1, a) and said eligibility is contingent on participation in the Public Employees Retirement System (PERSI). 参见3730了解PERSI资格).

a. 非全日制学生或每周工作超过20小时的国际学生的社会保障税豁免将根据签证类型和在美国停留的时间长短而确定. 更多信息请联系人力资源部.

b. 通常每周工作至少20小时,为期5个月的TH员工必须参加PERSI. Department administrators are expected to record PERSI eligibility upon submission of employee's EPAF. Those not normally working at least 20 hours a week are ineligible to participate in PERSI. PERSI eligibility is governed by PERSI rules in place at the time of hire.

c. 部门管理员有责任通知人力资源部门,当有资格参加PERSI的TH员工被雇用时. This is generally conducted through the selection of a PERSI eligible EPAF category. 当TH员工连续四个月每周工作20小时或以上时,人力资源/工资服务部将通知部门管理人员和TH员工. The notice will explain that the employee is approaching the threshold for PERSI enrollment. 当该阈值即将达到时,用户界面可以从以下选项中选择:(1)终止雇佣, (2) reduce hours to less than 20 hours per week, 或(3)将员工纳入PERSI.

d. 如果员工每周继续工作20小时或更长时间(以上选项3),则必须参加PERSI, and the enrollment will be retroactive to the original hiring date. 雇员入职时, 雇用部门和雇员有责任自雇用之日起向PERSI缴纳适当的会费. (见FSH 3730 for a complete discussion of contributions.) Employees may be allowed to spread these contributions over a period not to exceed six months.

e. 根据《365滚球官网》(ACA),每周工作至少30小时,持续五个月或更长时间的TH员工有资格参加大学的医疗和处方医疗保健计划。. ACA的福利, 包括供款金额, 是否可能与其他雇员群体不同,并受资格时有效的计划文件所规管.

C-2. 在80小时的双周工资期内,连续工作5个月或更长时间,且工作时间超过40小时的TH员工需要参加PERSI,并在前10个月享有年假,400小时服务(5年全时工作)和病假,按每小时工作费率按比例计算,用96/2080表示. For example, an eligible TH employee who is paid for 62 hours in a two-week pay period accrues 2.9小时年假和2小时.9 hours of sick leave (62 hours times 96/2080, rounded to the nearest tenth of an hour). Sick leave accrual is unlimited; annual leave accrual is limited to 192 hours maximum.

a. 员工负责将休假和工作时间输入到VandalWeb的电子时间表中. Annual leave must be preapproved by the employee's supervisor. 每个双周工资期的休假必须在报告休假的工资期的第二个星期五之间提交, 下星期二下午5点前.m. 如受指定假日或其他影响报告要求的时间限制影响,报告日期可能会更改. 看到FSH 3710 for applicable leave policies; questions regarding leave should be directed to Human 资源. Human resources or designee is responsible for monitoring paid leave taken by all UI employees. The provisions of this paragraph apply also to paid sick leave.

b. If a TH employee obtains a board-appointed position, his or her accrued annual and sick leave will be transferred. Employees may be asked to reduce or eliminate annual leave prior to transferring to the hiring department. 转病假. There is no annual leave pay out when transferring when positions without a required break in service.

c. Upon termination or resignation, a TH employee is paid for unused accrued annual leave. 当员工离职时,所有未使用的病假将被没收,未使用的病假不支付任何补偿. If an employee returns to eligible service within three years after separation, any sick leave that was forfeited at the time of separation will be reinstated.

d. 各部门负责为其员工维护准确的年假和病假记录,并确保在VandalWeb上提交和批准正确的网络时间表.

D. Restrictions of Use of Grievance Procedures. TH employees do not have access to the grievance procedures outlined in FSH 3860; for matters pertaining to prohibited harassment or discrimination, TH employees should contact the Office of Civil Rights and Investigations.

E. 雇用亲属. The policies relating to the 就业 of relatives contained in FSH 6240 B)和FSH 6241 B向TH员工申请.

F. 监督. The departmental administrator is responsible, subject to any provisions set by the appropriate dean or administrative officer, for the supervision of the employee's work.

G. FAST花名册程序. Departmental administrators seeking part-time, 短期, 鼓励间歇或替代的TH文员或劳工员工与人力资源部联系有关灵活行政支持临时工名册的事宜. Individuals in the FAST Roster programs seek temporary or part-time 就业. Completed applications are available for departmental administrators to review.


2020年7月修订. 更新政策,以反映两年前最后确定的精简征聘程序所产生的变化, 当前的招聘做法, and to reflect current processes and procedures. Updates were also made to ensure compliance with state policies.

2007年1月修订. 编辑修改.

2006年1月修订. 编辑修改

2002年7月修订. Revised A-1, A-2, A-4, B, B-2, C-1, C-2, D, and G. 编辑修改 were made to A, A-2, C-1, C-2, and D.

2000年7月修订. 编辑修改.

1998年7月修订. Revised G and made editorial changes to D, E, and F.

1997年7月修订. 编辑修改.



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