
50.21 - Documenting 和 Addressing Unsatisfactory Performance of Classified 工作人员


  • 位置: 人力资源总监
  • 电子邮件: hr@rockmark.net

最后更新: 2022年1月1日

A. 一般. Any classified employee who receives an overall rating of needs improvement as a result of performance evaluation must be placed on a Development Plan to document the necessary improvement or the lack thereof. Classified employees who receive an overall rating of needs improvement are not eligible for a salary increase based on performance. 参见FSH 3340. When a classified employee is in initial probationary status, Human 资源 (HR) must be contacted prior to the end of the initial probationary status to navigate the extension process.

B. 过程. When completing a performance evaluation or otherwise documenting less-than-satisfactory performance, the supervisor shall notify Human 资源 和 also meet with the employee 和 notify them that they are being placed on a Development Plan. The notice shall inform the employee about the specific performance concerns, actions that need to be taken to improve performance satisfactorily, 以及预期改善的时间. The usual duration of a Development Plan is 90 days, 每隔30天评估一次. 然而, additional training or resources may be provided to the employee beyond the duration of the Development Plan to help them succeed in the position. If the Development Plan is not successfully completed, 发展计划可能会延期, 否则可能会发生纠正或纪律处分, up to 和 including 终止 or demotion to a position in which the employee is previously certified, 由用户界面自行决定. 参见FSH 3360. The role of HR is to provide guidance to the supervisor regarding the procedural steps to be followed 和 provide information to the employee about UI procedures 和 expectations.

C. 过程. The supervisor shall complete an initial employee performance evaluation by comparing the employee's performance to the job description responsibilities. 参见APM 50.08. The performance evaluation may be a scheduled evaluation (such as an annual evaluation, 或初次试用期间的例行评估), or it may occur following observation of a particular situation or activity.

C-1. 需要的文档. After completing an evaluation that documents the rating of needs improvement, 在采取进一步行动之前, the supervisor shall forward a confidential copy of the evaluation to Human 资源 (HR) 和 to the second-level supervisor. The supervisor shall create a Development Plan in collaboration with Human 资源. 发展计划将:

a) Identify specific problems 和 corrective actions needed. The Development Plan should address specific problems that have been documented 和 the corrective actions that need to be accomplished during the Development Plan period.

b) Identify the dates of subsequent reviews (usually at 30, 60, 和 90 days). These dates are to inform the employee 和 HR when the reviews are to be completed 和 submitted. If requested, HR will work with the supervisor to ensure reviews are completed on schedule.

c)为员工提供帮助. 在很多情况下, the Development Plan will provide training opportunities 和/or requirements in an effort to help the employee improve performance.

C-2. 安排员工会议. The supervisor schedules a conference with the employee to deliver the Development Plan 和 answer any questions. The supervisor should document the date 和 time of the discussion, 和 the substance of the conversation with the employee. 在某些情况下, it may be appropriate to summarize the conversation in writing 和 provide the summary to the employee.

C-3. 及时回顾. 主管负责计算天数, 和 specifically to ensure the 3rd review does not go beyond the identified timeline (For example under a 90-calendar day Development Plan 89 days is permissible, 91天不算). 在发展计划结束时, the supervisor should consult with Human 资源, 和 the unit administrator before completing the final review (usually at 90 days) if further corrective or disciplinary actions are recommended.

a) If the employee is within their initial probationary period, successful completion of a Development Plan may lead to certification in the position upon the end of the initial probationary period.

b) If performance has not improved 和 it appears that demotion, 悬架, 终止, 否则将建议采取其他纪律处分, Human 资源 will advise on the procedures to be followed. These procedures are required by University policy 和 involve providing the employee with notice of contemplated action 和 an opportunity to respond before the final decision on the action is made 和 the action is initiated. 看到 FSH 3360 和 3930.

D. 信息. Questions or problems regarding the probationary process can be addressed to Human 资源, (208) 885-3638 or hrbp@rockmark.net.



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