

Idaho Student Union Building, Vandal Success Center, 3rd Floor


莫斯科,ID 83844-2534

秋天 & 春季学期学时:
(从早上8点开始.m. 到5点.m.)

秋天 & 春季学期报到时间:
现场突发事项 — Stop by the Vandal Success Center desk to get started (ISUB 3rd Floor)

(早上7点半开始.m. 到下午4:30.m.)
No drop-in hours are offered at this time – we encourage appointments

学生/毕业生: 如需预约,请访问 预订.  
校友: 请致电或 电子邮件 办公室安排了一个约会.



电子邮件: careerservices@rockmark.net

认识团队 Map


4月, supervisors nominate an intern from their area that exhibited outstanding growth, 倡议, 年内的领导和影响. Office leadership reviews the nominations and chooses the 年度最佳实习生, 是在我们的年终计划中宣布的吗. Read more about the latest recipient below and view past recipients.


Career Advising Intern Balances it All Through Involvement with Greek Life and 职业服务

The University of Idaho has always welcomed students with different backgrounds and interests from all around the country and world. Whether you grew up in a small town and are looking for somewhere more familiar to pursue your studies, or you’re looking for a laidback school after living in a high-energy, 更大的社区, 犹他大学有容纳所有人的空间.

Trystan波特, a U of I alumna who studied organizational science and communication studies, graduated in the spring of 2022 after a highly involved time at U of I.

从承诺 伊利诺伊大学的联谊会生活 社区, to fostering her professional development in the 职业服务 office, Potter made the effort to set herself up for success after graduating. 原产于纽波特, WA, Potter made the decision to attend U of I and break the status quo associated with her smaller town where most incoming college students decide to go to an in-state university, if they had chosen to pursue an undergraduate education after graduating high school.

在参观了华盛顿的几所大学之后, 波特意识到他们并不适合她的目标. 然而,她在伊利诺伊大学找到了她想要的东西.
“可以肯定地说,我爱上了它,并回来了 UIdaho绑定波特说。.
刚开始在伊利诺伊大学的时候, 波特很快就融入了希腊生活, pledging to Alpha Phi and becoming part of the sorority’s executive board. She eventually moved up to being the executive administrator, 还有非正式的招聘主席, finally settling on being the Rho Gamma and Super Rho Gamma, 或者是招聘顾问, to aid incoming students in navigating the Greek recruitment and bidding process.

“You go through a lot of training, like how to help them out in hard situations,波特说。. “Recruitment fresh out of high school is pretty nerve-wracking…that’s what we’re there for, to act as their helper or adviser or whatever they really need, even if it’s telling them the directions and helping them around campus.”

除了她对希腊生活的奉献, Potter also held important roles with the 职业服务 office on campus, working as a front-desk customer support intern and eventually transitioning to advising, continuing her trend of helping students on campus get settled and familiarized with U of I.

“The advising role opened up and I was excited because it was for the College of Letters, 艺术与社会科学, 当我得到那个角色时, I realized just how hands-on everybody is in 职业服务, 那真是太棒了,波特说。. “对我来说, 就我个人而言, 通常实习都没有那么多动手的机会, so being able to take drop-ins or … really just helping out, 在课堂上做报告, or my professors finding out I was a part of 职业服务 and asking if there’s anything that’s going on … it’s been an extremely fun time, 能有这样的经历, 人际关系和办公室工作.”

From helping to organize the intern-created Free Professional Photos event, to aiding in the 第一目的港调查, to helping with virtual CLASS 网络的夜晚 and the highly anticipated Career Fair, Potter has certainly had many opportunities to make the most out of her role.

“规模很大, I love 职业服务 because I get to help students and other people figure out what they're going to be doing,波特说。.

她在本科毕业后的职业生涯中运用了这些技能, transitioning into a human resources-related role in Meridian, 作为客户经理的ID Paylocity. 在未来, Potter would be interested in being on the “other side of the table” during U of I’s 人才招聘会往往会 to continue being involved with students and employee recruitment.
关于她的专业和求学经历, 波特的教授, 组织研究课程, and communications courses have greatly benefited her in honing her professional skills and interests, complemented by her work experience in her sorority and the office.

“职业服务 has definitely helped me reach my goals by setting up connections, just really being there whenever I had any questions career-related, 不管是最小的事情,波特说。. “绝对, 检查福利待遇, or reviewing a job offer with you … they’ll sit down and help you figure out that kind of stuff if you really need it.”

至于对未来ui学生的建议, Potter encourages savoring the experience and striving towards growth.

“Try to find yourself a great internship throughout the years that you can see yourself growing with — something that is really going to help you out for those goals that you have after college. 时间过得很快。”波特说. “坚持下去, 时间过得非常快,接下来你就知道了, 你就要毕业了, 所以一定要试着把自己放在那里.”


Trystan波特 - Communication - Organizational Sciences 2022

Congratulations to the following recipients of 年度最佳实习生:

Trystan波特 - 2022

迈克尔法国埃兹 - 2021

神灵雪橇 - 2020

玛吉Thornsberry - 2019

杰森·贝克 - 2018



Idaho Student Union Building, Vandal Success Center, 3rd Floor


莫斯科,ID 83844-2534

秋天 & 春季学期学时:
(从早上8点开始.m. 到5点.m.)

秋天 & 春季学期报到时间:
现场突发事项 — Stop by the Vandal Success Center desk to get started (ISUB 3rd Floor)

(早上7点半开始.m. 到下午4:30.m.)
No drop-in hours are offered at this time – we encourage appointments

学生/毕业生: 如需预约,请访问 预订.  
校友: 请致电或 电子邮件 办公室安排了一个约会.



电子邮件: careerservices@rockmark.net

认识团队 Map