
丽贝卡 塔伦特



MS 317875圆周博士.

丽贝卡·J. “Becky” 塔伦特 has retired from the University as an Emeritus faculty. She is an award-winning journalist and public relations specialist with more than 12 years experience as an energy, 环境与金融记者. She also has 18 years experience as a public relations specialist, 主要是州政府机构.

  • Ed.D., Higher Education/Classroom Teaching/Mass Communications, Oklahoma State University, 1995
  • M.Ed. Journalism, Community College emphasis, University of Central Oklahoma, 1977
  • B.A., Education, Journalism, secondary education emphasis, University of Central Oklahoma, 1975

丽贝卡·J. “Becky” 塔伦特 joined the JAMM faculty in summer 2006 as a full-time, tenure-track professor. Becky is an award-winning journalist and public relations specialist with more than 12 years experience as an energy, 环境与金融记者, plus an additional 18 years experience as a public relations specialist, 主要是州政府机构. In addition to her UI teaching, Becky was the ombudsman for the Spokane 发言人评论报》 in 2008 and is a member of the UI American Indian Studies faculty.

Becky is a member of the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) and the Native American Journalists Association (she is of Cherokee heritage), and she is the advisor to both students groups on campus. Becky is also a member of the SPJ National Education and 多样性 committees. In 2013 she was elected to the national SPJ Board of Directors as a Campus Advisor at Large. She earned her Bachelor of 艺术 in Journalism and her Master of Education in Journalism from the University of Central Oklahoma and her Doctor of Education in Classroom Teaching/Mass Communications from Oklahoma State University in 1995. 作为她继续教育的一部分, Becky attended the Poynter Institute for Media Studies in the summer of 2007 to learn more about teaching 多样性 Across the Curriculum. In 2007-2008, she held a 多样性 领导 Fellowship with the Society of Professional Journalists.

在她的业余时间, 贝基喜欢徒步旅行。, 和丈夫罗杰一起钓鱼和旅行, 看足球, 烹饪, 摄影, 编织和做印第安人的珠饰.

  • 课堂教学
  • 高中新闻问题
  • 媒体伦理
  • 印第安人的新闻自由问题
  • 科学和新闻媒体

  • 塔伦特,R.J.福克斯,K.凯恩,B. & McKerral, M. (eds) (2015). 仍然被? History, Law and the Teaching of High School Journalism. Stillwater, OK: New Forums Publishing, Inc.
  • 塔伦特,R.J. & 克劳利K. (2012年夏季). Facilitating creativity in a non-creative world: helping students develop critical/creative thinking skills using andragogy in the classroom. 佛罗里达通讯杂志,卷. 40第2期,第23-34页,12.
  • 塔伦特,丽贝卡·J. (2012年,七月/八月). Shields up in Indian Country, Quill 100 (4) 34-36.
  • 塔伦特,丽贝卡·J. (2012年5月/ 6月). Report it right: Depression and traumatic brain injuries. 羽毛笔,100 (3)30.
  • 塔伦特,丽贝卡·J. (2011, July/August) “Same rules apply for those with disabilities.《365体育滚球》,99(4),第17页.
  • 塔伦特,丽贝卡·J. & 卢贝尔·丁曼. (2011年7月). 2000年的《切诺基独立出版法. 通讯调查杂志,卷. 35, No. 3,第252-274页.
  • 塔伦特,丽贝卡·J. (2011年7月). 无声地杀戮,甚至不温柔. 《大众传媒伦理杂志》,卷. 26, No. 3,第246-249页.
  • 塔伦特,R.J. (2010年9月. 17). “Spokane 发言人评论报》 Gets New Code of Ethics.”.
  • 塔伦特,丽贝卡·J. (2010). 仔细研究并选择用词.《365体育滚球》,2010年7月/ 8月,卷. 98, No. 4、第19页.
  • 塔伦特,丽贝卡·J.萨默拉德-罗杰斯,迪尔德丽 & Bennett, Denise “Humor as Social Control: Less than a laughing matter.” Published by the Hawaii International Conference on 艺术 and Humanities, Honolulu, HI, 2008.
  • 塔伦特,R.J. 丁曼,R.S., “Native Press Freedoms: Federal and Tribal Legal Issues Restricting Native Media”, book chapter for Interracial Communication: Contexts, 布伦森编辑的《365滚球官网》, D. 兰普尔,L.L., 2010年夏天.
  • 《365滚球官网》,路德,C.Lepre, L.& 克拉克,N.. Book review for Wiley-Blackwell Publishing submitted Nov. 10, 2008.
  • 塔伦特,丽贝卡·J., “Leap the Native American Journalistic Divide” The Quill, September 2008, Vol. 96,第7期,第34页.
  • 塔伦特,丽贝卡·J., “Reporting on disabilities: Putting people first” The Quill, August, 2007, Vol. 95,第6期,34-38页
  • Strategic Planning for Public Relations , 2nd Edition, 2007 Ronald D. Smith, (Book Review) Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers Submitted Oct. 10, 2007.
  • 塔伦特,丽贝卡·J., “新闻paper Works to include Blogging in Code of Ethics” The Quill, December, 2006, Vol. 94,第9期,第27页.

  • 课堂教学 critical/creative thinking

  • SPJ多元化委员会2010-2013
  • SPJ Journalism Education Committee national chair 2011-present
  • Campus Adviser at Large, SPJ National Board of Directors, 2013-present
  • Member, Native American Journalists Association
  • Kappa Tau Alpha (national journalism honor society)
  • 美国大学妇女协会

  • Recipient, 2019 Chester Wells Memorial Key, Society of Professional Journalists. 因对社会服务突出而获奖.
  • Recipient, 2018 President Award for #Press4Education program, Society of Professional Journalists
  • SPJ多元化领袖奖学金,2007年
  • Educational 多样性 Fellowship, Poynter Institute for Media Studies, 2007
  • 教师 Member of the Year, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Oklahoma City, 2002-2003
  • 首先, 美国市场营销协会, 俄克拉荷马城分会, 爱普沃斯别墅的市场营销活动, 2001
  • Second Place, SPJ, Oklahoma Professional Chapter, Not-For-Profit Publications, 2001
  • 首先, SPJ, Oklahoma Professional Chapter, Not-For-Profit Publications, 2000
  • Award of Merit, External Publications,International Assn. of Business Communicators Oklahoma Chapter, awarded April, 1999
  • Outstanding Deputy Regional Director, SPJ Region 8, 1988-89
  • Outstanding Performance for SPJ Ethics Education, 1990





电子邮件: jamm@rockmark.net

网络: 新闻与大众传媒

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