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An Idaho Journalist in 意大利

奥利维亚Heersink, a junior in U of I’s School of 新闻与大众传媒 is studying journalism and cooking in Viterbo, 意大利.

Growing up in the small town of Fruitland, Idaho, 奥利维亚Heersink dreamed of studying abroad.

But when she got to college, she found herself always coming up with excuses as to why it wasn’t feasible for her to be able to go.

“I was convinced it was going to set back my graduation,希尔辛克说.

After researching options on the 365滚球官网’s study abroad website, she found a program that was within her price range and benefitted her degree audit.

“Last September, I realized that if I was ever going to do this, it was now or never,希尔辛克说. “I found a program that actually benefitted by major, and I felt like I kind of had to go.”

Heersink, a junior studying journalism, is spending the spring 2018 semester in Viterbo, 意大利, a town an hour north of Rome. 虽然, she is taking a number of courses that will help her to graduate, including a travel journalism class and two photography classes.

Immersing Herself in Foreign Culture

除了, Heersink is also trying to have an authentic Italian experience by taking classes in beginning Italian and Italian cuisine.

“I’m studying at more of a smaller town, so I think I’m getting more of a genuine experience and getting to speak with locals and build relationships with professors like you would in the states,希尔辛克说. “Once I learned how to make pasta noodles, I figured that was all I needed.”

在国外, Heersink has been able to explore countries and cities that, 直到现在, she had only dreamed about seeing. She has travelled to many cities across 意大利, 以及西班牙, 葡萄牙, 捷克共和国, 爱尔兰和德国.

“My favorite thing has been getting to see all of these places that I have read about so many times,希尔辛克说. “The places I have been to have been incredible, but the people I have met have been even more incredible.”

Making Studying Abroad a Reality

The 365滚球官网’s study International Programs Office partners with more than 370 international colleges in 60 countries all over the globe.

“You may think you can’t do it, but if you meet with the study abroad office, they will help you make it happen,希尔辛克说. “They know it is the experience of a lifetime. And you may find out it was a lot more realistic than you thought.”

“Studying abroad is the experience of a lifetime because at no other time are you surrounded by a different culture and language, with no expectations except to learn and to become a better person,希尔辛克说.


在国外学习期间, Heersink has also gained an appreciation of her hometown and country, as well as being more understanding of different kinds of people.

“I think the biggest thing I have gained is an appreciation of where I come from and the American culture,希尔辛克说. “There is an immense appreciation of home, though not homesickness. But, you realize we are so quick to throw stones, but we actually have it really well in America.”

Heersink said she is so grateful that she finally took the steps to make studying abroad a reality, because it has changed her life and her perspective.

“You can come up with a million and one excuses in your head, but as soon as you step off that plane, 这一切都是值得的,希尔辛克说. “Every single day you wake up and are thankful to be here.”

Article by Madison Perdue ’18, Public Relations, CLASS

School of 新闻与大众传媒

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