

IACUC 协议提交清单

IACUC必须批准研究, 教学, extension or demonstration activities utilizing vertebrate animals. If you are unsure whether IACUC approval is required for your project, contact the IACUC office at iacuc@rockmark.net or 208-885-7252.

Examples of activities that are exempt from IACUC oversight include: use of invertebrate animals, use of materials collected from animals euthanized for non-research purposes (e.g., slaughterhouse) or collection of scat samples.

The IACUC is using the 维拉 electronic system for protocol submissions, 修正案, adverse events and protocol deviations.


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Submit protocol application prior to the 每月提交截止日期.


A PI may submit a wildlife protocol without capture and use permits but final approval will be held until all required permits are secured.

谁可以担任PI? 检查 APM 45.22日政策 for PI eligibility requirements

The PI and all 人员 handling animals must complete the two IACUC requirements before working with animals at the University of Idaho — An online training through CITI and the Animal Worker Medical Surveillance Program (AWMSP) form. Find more information on the training page

联系IACUC办公室 iacuc@rockmark.net or 208-885-7252 if you have any questions, or if you have already completed these requirements at U of I or another institution


The IACUC, PI or Campus Vet may assign additional mandatory trainings. The CITI offers several species- and procedure-specific online trainings. These are free and available to all 人员.

The PI will receive a submission confirmation 电子邮件 with the assigned IACUC Protocol number

The PI will receive an 电子邮件 for stipulation notification after the IACUC 工作人员 has pre-review the protocol

The PI will revise protocol based on pre-review stipulations

IACUC members may request additional information during the review process. The coordinator will send the PI these requests via stipulations in the 维拉 system. The PI must respond to and address each stipulation. This may necessitate revisions to the protocol application

Final approval is granted once the following have been completed:

All committee requests are resolved
Required permits are secured, as applicable
Occupational health requirements requested by EHS have been met, as applicable

Any change to the protocol must be approved by the IACUC prior to implementation

修订可包括, 但不限于, 程序/方法的变化, 人员, 动物的数量, 箱体或程序位置, 药物管理, 和/或使用的物种

To request an amendment, go to your protocol in the 维拉 system, and submit an amendment form.


Not all 修正案 require full committee review. Some may be approved administratively or through the DMR or VCC Review.

The PI is responsible for requesting the annual renewal of a protocol, however the 维拉 will send reminders at 90, 60 and 30 days in advance of annual protocol expiration

In order to renew a protocol that is reaching its 3-year expiration date, the PI must submit a new application for IACUC review and approval.

The PI must track the number of animals used so as not to exceed the approved total under a protocol.

Facility managers must annually report to the IACUC office the number of USDA-regulated animals used and under which pain category. The annual reporting period covers Oct. 1日9月. 30. The university compiles this information for a report submitted to the USDA on Dec.

Protocol deviations and adverse events must be reported to the IACUC office, 根据IACUC的政策. 议定书偏差和 不良事件表(DOCX文件) 可透过 电子邮件,或者你可以填一张表格 维拉 对于特定的协议.


Noncompliance will be reported to applicable oversight agencies, 根据小灵通政策, the Animal Welfare Act and funding sponsor agreements.

Report any animal welfare complaint or concerns to the campus vet, ORA or IACUC immediately. 举报可以匿名进行.


All animal facilities must post procedures for reporting animal welfare concerns. Any report or complaint will be investigated thoroughly by the IACUC until all issues are appropriately resolved. 看到 IACUC举报人政策 了解更多信息.



莫斯科,ID 83844

875周界博士., MS 3010


电子邮件: uifcoi@rockmark.net

网络: 奥拉的网站
