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3210 - Antidiscrimination


  • Position: Interim Director of the Office of Civil Rights and Investigations
  • 电子邮件:

Last updated: October 01, 2022


A. 政策
B. Interpretation and Implementation
C. Position on Racism Reiterated
D. Statement Required in Publication and Forms
E. Allegation of Inequity Due to Discrimination 

A. 政策. (另请参阅 2300年七.)

A-1. Practices or regulations that discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, 宗教, 性, 年龄, disability, or status as a Vietnam-era veteran, as each of these bases is defined by law, are neither condoned nor permitted in any area of UI operations, including personnel appointments, student admissions, disciplinary regulations, housing assignments, use of dining halls, classrooms, or other facilities, or in any activities of the faculty, 工作人员, 或者通常被认为是由UI赞助或批准的学生. (另请参阅 2200 III-4, 3215.)

A-2. No functions, business transactions, or official actions by any organization, 部门, department, 或其他单位的教务会议可在宿舍的任何设施举行或进行, 俱乐部, 以A-1中所述的任何理由实行歧视政策的组织. 然而, 本政策没有规定员工选择他或她可能希望加入的组织.

A-3. 此处的任何内容均不得被视为影响基于男女之间或其他类别或群体之间非非理性差异的人员分类, capricious, or arbitrary, that is intended to accomplish a lawful purpose (e.g., 女性或男性的生活团体可以排除异性,成绩不合格的学生可以被拒绝加入荣誉协会和其他有最低成绩要求的团体。.


B-1. 人们几乎普遍同意,必须认真努力消除种族主义, 性别歧视, intolerance from our society. Both moral and practical reasons dictate the necessity for these efforts. 种族主义、性别歧视和不宽容有一个共同点——否认人类尊严.

B-2. It should be clear that, at the very least, 一所声称拥护和捍卫这个国家理想的大学必须避免任何可能暗示接受歧视性做法的行动. 因此,A-2中的政策说明就是在这种情况下阐明的. It is equally clear from the foregoing that the following activities are prohibited from taking place on the premises of any organization that is found to discriminate: meetings and social events sponsored by UI organizations; UI-sponsored conferences, continuing-education classes, or similar activities; performances or presentations by UI groups; and conduct of UI business by individual members of the academic community.

B-3. 应该指出的是,该政策并不以任何方式阻止任何人, acting as a private citizen, 禁止加入被发现有歧视的组织,禁止在属于该组织的设施中发言或参加活动.

B-4. To ensure compliance with the policy and the above interpretations, UI将:(1)回应UI内部关于组织是否从事属于本政策范围内的歧视性做法的询问;(2)只有在可以清楚证明的情况下才给予例外, in advance, that no alternative facility exists, 不歧视参加聚会的人, 以及在遵守联邦反歧视政策的联合大学附属组织的情况下, 所有有关反歧视的联邦法规都将得到遵守.

B-5. The president is responsible for enforcing this policy.

B-6. Because education is the prime function of any university, UI有责任向爱达荷州人民解释和捍卫这项政策, especially, to those groups most affected by it. 这项政策不应被解释为针对任何特定群体, 而是表达了UI对歧视性做法的态度. 一所大学不能在影响其服务对象的平等和尊严的原则上妥协.

C. POSITION ON RACISM REITERATED. 对于种族极端分子在爱达荷州北部的存在导致一些人认为他们可能不受欢迎的担忧,他做出了回应, or even unsafe, at the University of Idaho, the faculty in April 1987 resolved that: UI regards bigotry of any sort as intellectually abhorrent and morally reprehensible; values the benefits of cultural diversity and pledges to students, prospective students, the public that it will defend pluralism in the academic community; and warmly welcomes all men and women of good will without regard to their race, 宗教, or ethnic background.

D. STATEMENT REQUIRED IN PUBLICATIONS AND FORMS. 联邦法规要求在每份公告中出现本手册第二页上关于非歧视的声明, 公告, 目录, or application form that is made available to employees, applicants for admission or employment, sources of referral of applicants for admission or employment, or professional organizations holding agreements with UI. 它还必须包括在与招聘学生或雇员有关的任何文件中. For use on materials that have severe limitations of space, a shortened version of the statement has been authorized; the Office of Employment Equity and Compliance or Publications 服务 can assist in determining the appropriate version to be used in particular circumstances.


E-1. 任何认为自己的工资因种族歧视而不公平的UI员工, color, national origin, 宗教, 性, 年龄, disability, 或作为越战老兵的身份可以要求平权行动官员进行工资公平审查.

E-2. 任何UI员工或学生,如果认为他或她的待遇因A中提到的任何基础的歧视而在任何方面不公平,都鼓励向平权行动官员寻求帮助. 另请参阅 3220, 3840, 3860, 3880, 6420.)

Version History

Amended October 2022. Editorial changes.

Amended July 2007. Editorial changes.

Amended July 2001. Editorial changes.

Amended July 2000. Editorial changes to E.

Amended July 1997. Editorial changes to A-1.

Amended February 1980. E分款最初只讨论薪金不平等问题,后来扩大到现在的范围.

Adopted 1979.

Campus Locations

Physical Address:
布鲁斯·米. Pitman Center
875 Perimeter Drive MS 4264
莫斯科, ID 83844-4264

Phone: 208-885-6111

Fax: 208-885-9119
