
50.19 - Verification of Educational Degrees and/or Academic Status for Job Applicants and Employees


  • 位置: 人力资源总监
  • 电子邮件: hr@rockmark.net

最后更新: 2007年10月4日

A. 一般. Verification of educational degrees and academic status confirm an individual’s qualifications relative to the requirements of their employment at the University of Idaho (UI). The UI allows degree or academic verification for new employees and for those employees accepting different responsibilities within the University of Idaho when (1) positions require an educational degree as listed in the position or job description, or (2) an outside agency or entity requires the verification or certification of educational credentials. The University will use the following procedures with respect to the acquisition and use of educational verification information.

B. 程序. 学位和/或注册验证检查候选人. 立即生效, the University may conduct degree verification checks on all successful candidates, 内部和外部, 对于需要学位或指定学位的职位(ABD).

B-1. 学位验证检查所需通知. The University of Idaho’s Applicant Tracking System (ATS) includes a statement that all stated degrees are subject to verification. 任何广告, 通知, 以及招聘ATS未列出的职位, 但是要求学位验证检查将会声明:This position is subject to the successful verification of all academic work and degrees stated." Successful candidates for these positions will be offered the position contingent on a satisfactory degree or academic verification check. No candidate for a position requiring a degree or academic check shall commence employment until a satisfactory educational check has been received.

B-2. 教育检查需要授权. All candidates being considered for positions requiring degree or academic checks will complete the 授权发布信息以供教育检查. 一旦出价了, the hiring authority will forward this form to the University’s Human 资源 (HR). 根据个人提供的信息, 人力资源部将核实候选人申请材料上所列的学历. 如有可能,将使用国家学生信息中心. 如果记录无法通过此免费资源获得, 其他方式, 包括联系学院和大学. Any costs associated with the educational checks will be charged to the hiring unit.

B-3. 或有就业机会. 如果情况要求尽快给候选人提供工作机会, 在完成教育检查之前, 要约必须采用书面形式,并包括以下声明:This offer is contingent upon the completion of a satisfactory educational background check.“虽然你可能会提出这个提议, 雇员不得以任何身份开始工作, 包括参加新员工培训, 在没有完成满意的教育检查的情况下申请大学.

B-4. 先前教育检查资格. If the candidate has had an educational check completed by the UI and the results are satisfactory for the position for which s/he is applying, a subsequent check may be waived at the discretion of 人力资源助理副总裁或指定人员.

C. 学历检查结果. 如果教育检查发现不一致, 人力资源助理副总裁或指定人员, 与招聘机构协商, will determine whether to exclude the candidate 或者对现任员工采取行动. 如果学历检查是针对现任员工的, 人力资源助理副总裁或指定人员, 与部门经理协商, 将决定什么人事行动,如果有的话, 应该采取. The Assistant Vice President for Human 资源 or designee may ask for a written explanation from the employee.

D. 沟通结果和员工权利.

D-1. 消费者报告署. 程序 when the report has been provided by a consumer reporting agency (e.g.智能感知).

i) If a determination has been made that a candidate has provided false information and should be excluded, 或者应该对现任员工采取不利行动, 基于不令人满意的教育检查, 人力资源应, 在对个人采取任何不利行动之前, provide a Pre-Adverse Action Disclosure that (1) notifies the individual in writing of the unsatisfactory result, (2)向候选人或雇员提供报告副本, and (3) provides the candidate or employee with a written description of his or her rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

ii)不利行为发生后, 人力资源部将向候选人提供一份不利行动通知, 其中包括(1)名称, address, and phone number of the consumer reporting agency that supplied the report; (2) a statement that the consumer reporting agency that supplied the report did not make the decision regarding the adverse action and cannot provide the reasons for the adverse action; and (3) a notice of the individual’s right to dispute the accuracy or completeness of any information the agency has furnished, and his or her right to an additional free consumer report from the agency upon request within 60 days.

iii) A candidate or employee who has received an initial unsatisfactory result and who has sought correction of his or her report under the Fair Credit Reporting Act is not eligible for a listed position until 人力资源助理副总裁或指定人员 has confirmed the correction and determined that the result is satisfactory. The University has no obligation to hold a position open to allow a candidate or employee to correct his or her report.

D-2. 国家学生信息中心报告机构. 由教育机构提供报告时的程序(例如.g.(学院或大学)的资料如下:

i)如果决定将候选人排除在外, 或者对现任员工采取行动, 因为教育背景调查不理想, HR应(1)将不满意的结果书面通知个人, (2)向候选人或雇员提供报告副本.

E. 记录. Educational verification information collected under this policy shall be kept in the confidential personnel file of the employee or as part of the hiring record, 如果适用的话. For those candidates not hired, the educational information will be kept with the hiring record. The information shall be used for the sole purpose of evaluating the candidate or employee and shall be disclosed only as permitted or required by law.

F. 免责声明. Nothing in this policy shall be construed to limit the university’s right to terminate an employee or exclude an applicant from employment, if the university otherwise becomes aware that information on the application material has been falsified.



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