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05.02 - Property Coverage


  • Position: Risk Manager
  • Email:

Last updated: August 31, 2023

A. Purpose
B. Scope
C. Definitions
D. Policy
E. Addition of New Location
F. Changes to Existing Location
G. Annual Renewal Property
H. Annual Renewal Business Interruption and Rental Income
I. Claims
J. Contact Information
K. Forms and Examples

A. Purpose. 本政策规定了与财产保险范围和索赔有关的单位责任和程序.

B. Scope. This policy applies to all University of Idaho units.

C. Definitions.

C-1. Boiler and Machinery covers losses arising from: an explosion of a steam boiler, steam turbine, steam piping or steam engine; mechanical breakdown or failure; or electrical injury. 锅炉和机械的覆盖范围每年根据财产明细表中的数据进行报告.

C-2. Building is a structure or an improvement such as a barn, pump house, research lab, classroom, or office facility, etc. 露天看台、电子信息或记分牌、大型标志等户外结构. are included in this category.

C-3. Builders Risk 保险范围是否设计为涵盖建设过程中的财产. Coverage is usually written on an all-risk basis, 通常包括现场尚未安装的材料. 项目的估计完工价值通常用作保险限额.

C-4. Business Interruption 当一项被承保的损失导致其经营场所受损,并导致其在修理或更换受损财产所需的时间内业务放缓或暂停时,企业所遭受的收入损失是否得到赔偿.

C-5. Contents is business property such as office furniture, equipment, computers, non-motorized Mobile Equipment, and other property not permanently attached to a Building. 永久附属于建筑物的财产,如暖通空调设备,被认为是建筑物价值的一部分. 露天看台、电子信息或记分牌、大型标志等户外结构. are not considered Contents.

C-6. COPE Form is used for reporting newly acquired property. The abbreviation, COPE, stands for Construction, Occupancy, Protection, and Exposures and is an industry standard form.

C-7. Draft 财产价值年度报表的电子表格草案是否包含资产会计部门提供的内容和移动设备价值,以及风险部门在本年度收到的所有变更.

C-8. Extra Expense 损失发生后的费用是否为正常经营时不会发生的费用. 额外费用的例子包括获得临时地点或在临时地点设置设备的费用.

C-9. Facilities is the University of Idaho Facilities Services.

C-10. Fine Art 是否包括由另一方拥有的物品,这些物品暂时在大学设施内展出,或大学拥有的物品暂时出借参加展览. 大学拥有的艺术品包含在建筑物的目录数字中. 必须通过提供包含项目细节的完整工作表,通过风险申请大学展览艺术的保险.

C-11. IDRMIS is the Idaho Risk Management Information System. IDRMIS是一个基于网络的项目,由爱达荷州管理和维护.

C-12. Mobile Equipment is anything motorized and not licensed for road use, such as road building machinery, ATV’s, off-road motorcycles, riding lawn mowers, golf carts, tractors, etc. Mobile equipment values are actual cash values.

C-13. Real Property is land, including improvements. The University’s property coverage does not cover land. Property coverage only covers Buildings and Contents.

C-14. Rental Income 当财产全部或部分无法使用时,保险是否赔偿直接由承保事件造成的损失或损坏所造成的租金收入损失.

C-15. Risk is the University of Idaho’s Risk Management Office.

C-16. State RMP is the State of Idaho Risk Management Program.

C-17. Stock and Supplies 诸如纸张、铅笔、办公用品、待售商品等财产是否齐全.

C-18. Tuition or Fees 如果发生学费或其他费用的损失而导致大学无法运作,是否有赔偿范围.

C-19. Unit refers to primary management units within the University, including recognized colleges, administrative centers, such as the Division of Finance and Administration, or the Research Office, 和公认的远离主校区的大学中心, such as Idaho Falls.

D. Policy. 大学参加了国家财产保险计划. 单位不得单独投保财产保险. Property coverage includes: Buildings, Contents, Mobile Equipment, Stock and Supplies, Business Interruption, Rental Income, Extra Expense, Tuition or Fees, Builders Risk, 国家具有保险利益或国家以书面形式承担责任的美术作品. The property policy has a $5,000 deductible for covered events under $50,000 or a $10,000 deductible for over $50,000. Losses arising from: an explosion of a steam boiler, steam turbine, steam piping or steam engine; mechanical breakdown or failure; or electrical injury will be adjudicated through Boiler and Machinery coverage with a $5,000 deductible. 在工作中使用私人设备的员工应咨询Risk. 为了参与财产保险,大学必须通过IDRMIS报告. Risk inputs coverage data into the IDRMIS. 通常,州RMP在春季要求提供信息和/或数据确认,以用于7月份的房产政策更新.

D-1. 采购产品建筑,内容,移动设备,库存和供应. Units must report this information to Risk as changes occur. Follow steps in section E or F as applicable. 单位必须每年在更新过程中核实财产价值. Follow steps in section G.

D-2. Fine Art. 美术价值是通过从资产会计中获得的内容数据捕获的.

如果合同协议要求大学在其保管期间对非大学所有的美术作品进行保护,则国家RMP可以对其进行保护, custody, or control. 保险范围可通过填写美术保险申请表来安排. Return the Fine Art Insurance Request form to Risk at

D-3. Builders Risk. Coverage is not always automatic. 项目经理(设施/其他单位视情况而定)必须就大型建设项目与风险管理部门协商. 在这些项目的规划阶段,如果下列任何情况适用,则涉及风险:


(ii) renovations or additions in excess of $5,000,000; and

(iii)使现有建筑物的平方英尺增加50%以上的翻新/增建工程. 各单位负责填写并将《365滚球官网》送交风险管理处. Typically, 州RMP能够包括价值低于15美元的项目,000,000 on the property policy. 州RMP将为价值超过1500万美元的项目寻求替代保险. 在建设项目的规划阶段与风险咨询是很重要的,以便为该单位提供足够的时间来完成申请,并为风险和国家RMP提供足够的时间来确定覆盖范围. 如果风险和国家RMP没有及时咨询, it could jeopardize the start date of the project.

D-4. Business Interruption, Rental Income, and Extra Expense. As the situation occurs, 创收单位需要通过填写业务中断损失和租金收入表格,并将其交回Risk at,为任何新地点或已更改地点的现有业务申请保险 各单位需要每年向风险部门报告有关业务中断的任何数据, Rental Income, and Extra Expense, see section F.

E. Addition of New Location. 该股负责通过填写COPE表格向风险管理部门报告所有新获得的不动产或新租用的地点. Policies regarding real property transactions, including purchase, sale, lease, easement, or exchange can be found in APM 61.62.

Return the COPE form to Risk at

F. Changes to Existing Location.

F-1. Additions to Existing Location. The Unit is responsible for reporting to Risk all

(i) newly acquired Contents valued over $5,000,



(iv)临时或已搬迁的零售地点的变化, by completing the Property Value Adjustment form.

Return the Property Value Adjustment form to Risk at

F-2. Deletions to Existing Location. The Unit is responsible for reporting to Risk any

(i) divested Real Property,

(ii) Building demolition,

(iii) Building move,

(iv) lease termination,

(v) sale or destruction of Contents valued over $5,000,


(vii)临时或已搬迁的零售地点的变化, by completing the Property Value Adjustment form.

Return the Property Value Adjustment form to Risk at

G. Annual Renewal Property. Risk 编制草案并分发给负责提供有关建筑物信息的单位, Contents, Mobile Equipment, and Stock and Supplies. 修改草案中列出的价值需要填写物业价值调整表. 单位需要确保所有新的建筑物和地点,大学有业务和设备出现在草案, 以及独立的改进,如广泛的围栏, bleachers, scoreboards, astro turf, electronic signs, etc.

Multi-Unit Structures:建筑物内的每个单元分别报告其自身的价值. Risk将不同单位的值相加,得到一个最终的数字.


G-1. Units receiving the Draft should do the following:

a. Add a Building or Location. 如果建筑物或地点没有出现在草稿上,请按照F节的步骤进行操作.

b. Increase or Decrease Building Value. 检讨已按上年度增值系数结转的现有楼宇价值. 如果改建或增建增加了价值,则应增加建筑价值.

c. Removing a Building or Location. 报告需要从草案中移除的建筑物,因为它们已被移除, demolished, sold, or a facilities use agreement or lease has terminated.

d. Contents. 检查单元控制的建筑物中列出的内容值的准确性. 这些值是由资产会计提供的,如果有任何变化,应该对其进行检查.

e. Mobile Equipment. 审查该股控制的建筑物所列移动设备的价值,以确保其准确性. 这些值是由资产会计提供的,如果有任何变化,应该对其进行检查.

f. Stock and Supplies. 检查所有库存和供应项目的准确性. 这些值是从上一年结转的,可能已经改变,也可能之前没有列出. 该值应该是对库存和供应的平均每月价值的估计.

g. 将填妥的物业价值调整表格(COPE表格)交回Risk at If the Unit has no changes to the Draft, email risk@rockmark.net表示该股的职责范围没有变化.

H. Annual Renewal for Business Interruption and Rental Income. 单位将需要提供任何创收业务的详细信息, 从风险提供的营业中断和租金收入电子表格中列出每栋楼的数据. Provided figures should include:


(ii) rental income;

(iii) cost of salaries and benefits of all executives, officers, deans, unit managers and heads, full-time faculty, 教练员和签约的员工在发生亏损时不会被解雇;

(iv) cost of bonded debts secured by real property;

(v) cost of all non-cancellable contracts (i.e., rent, utilities, other services, etc.); and

(vi) any budgetary changes that will occur during the year. 单位可以通过填写业务中断损失和租金收入表并将其交回Risk at参与此保险

I. Claims. 财产索赔是针对大学建筑的赔偿损失, Contents (including equipment and owned Fine Art), Mobile Equipment, Stock and Supplies and Business Interruption. 在24小时内致电风险中心报告任何水事件和任何可能超过5000美元的索赔. Prompt reporting allows Risk to assist with remediation, and allows time for an independent adjustor to do a review, if necessary.

Risk将与Facilities和/或独立承包商合作,获得建筑物维修的投标. 该股将与设施和(或)独立承包商合作安排维修工作,并使该地区能够通行.

Risk将通过向国家皇家骑警提供事件的细节来提醒他们可能有索赔. 州RMP将决定是否需要一个独立的调解员来审查损害赔偿.

Risk will collect costs for


(ii) the two estimates for replacement or repair, or

(iii) the invoice for the replacement of any Contents, 以及该股提供的任何库存和用品重置费用文件,以便向国家RMP提出赔偿损失的最后索赔. 如果损害是由承保事件造成的,则由州RMP裁决索赔并进行赔偿.

各单位负责向Risk提供索引号,以便将免赔额转入保险报销账户. 来自国家RMP的付款将反映财产索赔的适用免赔额. When the check is received from State RMP, 风险会将其存入保险报销账户. Risk will pay invoices to contractors and, when applicable, 要求从一般会计转到单位支付的有关内容和库存及用品偿还的费用.

J. Contact Information. For any questions regarding the coverage for property, Business Interruption or property claims, please contact Risk at 208-885-7177, or

K. Further Instructions, Forms, and Examples. For further instructions on procedures, please visit Risk Management and Insurance.

Version History

Campus Locations

Physical Address:
Bruce M. Pitman Center
875 Perimeter Drive MS 4264
Moscow, ID 83844-4264

Phone: 208-885-6111

Fax: 208-885-9119
