

根据高等教育机会法案, the University of Idaho is providing information to allow consumers to make informed decisions about post secondary education.


  • 学术项目信息
    The following is designed to provide a general introduction to the University of Idaho academic program. This information is applicable to all students in all majors.

  • 认证和许可信息
    365滚球官网是由 西北高校委员会.
    Accreditation of an institution of higher education by the 西北高校委员会 indicates that it meets or exceeds criteria for the assessment of institutional quality evaluated through a peer review process. An accredited college or university is one which has available the necessary resources to achieve its stated purposes through appropriate educational programs, 实质上是这样做的, and gives reasonable evidence that it will continue to do so in the foreseeable future. Institutional integrity is also addressed through accreditation.

  • 行政程序手册
    The official APM contains policies and procedures for the finance and administrative side of the university.

  • 职业服务
    职业服务 provides students and alumni with services and resources to empower them as they make critical life decisions and pursue career success.

  • 宪法日和公民日信息
    9月宪法日. 17, is an American federal observance that recognizes the adoption of the United States Constitution and those who have become U.S. 公民.

  • 侵犯版权政策
    The University of Idaho is committed to respecting the rights of copyright holders and complying with copyright law. This page provides information and educational tools to assist faculty, staff, and students in making informed decisions regarding appropriate uses of copyrighted materials. Please visit the links on the left for specific information.

  • 教育成本信息
    The following cost of attendance figures are used to estimate a student's financial aid eligibility for the current academic year. 费用可能因个人情况而异.

  • 紧急反应和疏散程序
    This Emergency Response Framework (ERF) documents the processes required for a successful response and recovery from an emergency incident at the University of Idaho.

  • 教职员手册

  • 机构收费政策退款

  • Special 服务 and Facilities for Individuals with Disabilities
    The University of Idaho is committed to providing equal and integrated access for individuals with disabilities to all the academic, 社会, 它提供文化和娱乐项目. 这一承诺符合法律要求, including Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, and embodies the university’s historic determination to ensure the inclusion of all members of its communities.

  • 州教育委员会

  • FERPA规定的学生和家长隐私权
    1974年的《365体育滚球》, 修订的, 也被称为巴克利修正案, is a federal law that governs the confidentiality of student records. 一般, the law requires that educational institutions maintain the confidentiality of what are termed "education records," ensures that each student has access to his or her education records, and provides students with a limited opportunity to correct erroneous education records.

  • 学生退学政策和程序

  • 留学信用处理政策
    The University Studies Abroad Consortium (USAC) offers students learning opportunities at various campuses around the globe. Studies through the following USAC Specialty Programs, sometimes referred to as Language & Culture Programs, are granted University of Idaho resident credit.

  • 第四章资金的返还

  • 转学分处理政策
    The University of Idaho may grant credit for courses completed at a college or university accredited by an 协会批准

  • 选民登记资料





  • 校园安全和消防安全信息
    Read about the policies and procedures the University has in place to address certain events and emergencies.

  • 药物和酒精滥用预防计划
    Information on drug and alcohol abuse prevention programs for students and employees.

  • 疫苗接种政策
    The University of Idaho Immunization Policy provides protection against vaccine-preventable diseases by recommending students be vaccinated against and/or screened for certain highly contagious diseases.




布鲁斯·米. 皮特曼中心

莫斯科,ID 83844

MS 4291


