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Gianluca Blois, Ph.D.

Gianluca Blois, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Mailing Address

322 East Front Street
Suite 340
Boise, ID 83702

  • Ph.D. Civil Engineering, Politecnico di Milano University, Milan, Italy, 2007
  • M.S. Civil Engineering, Politecnico di Milano University, Milan, Italy, 2003
  • B.S. Civil Engineering, Politecnico di Milano University, Milan, Italy, 2001


Gianluca Blois, 是365滚球官网机械工程系实验流体动力学领域的助理教授. He is currently located on the Boise campus in the Center for Ecohydraulics Research.

Blois completed his doctoral studies in Milan, at the Politecnico di Milano in 2007. Afterwards, he worked at the University of Birmingham, UK, 随后在伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校担任水文系统实验室和湍流与复杂流动实验室(LTCF)的成员. 2015年,Blois加入圣母大学航空航天与机械工程系.

布洛瓦的研究探索了流动物理和环境过程的交叉点,并专注于一系列自然系统和工程应用中的湍流和多相现象. 他的研究组合主要受到具有复杂边界和界面的地质和生物系统的启发. Research areas of interest include: 1) turbulent boundary layer structure, modifications, modulation, and exchange mechanisms across permeable walls, with implications on hyporheic flows, sediment transport, and biofilms; 2) flow interactions and coupling with complex topographies that form and evolve in both aeolian and subaqueous natural environments with emphasis on 3D bedforms and craters; 3) pore-scale transient interfacial phenomena in immiscible multi-phase flow within heterogeneous porous structures with application to CO2 sequestration and EOR; 4) flow-plant coupling of semi-rigid aquatic vegetation in riparian environments; 5) fluid-structure interactions and surface manipulation of bluff bodies central to drag and lift control/reduction; 6)~biofluids with focus on compliant cardiovascular systems


  • Fluid mechanics
  • Environmental and geophysical flows
  • Turbulent and multi-phase flows
  • Sediment transport
  • Fluvial and aeolian geomorphology
  • Porous media
  • Boundary layers over complex geometries
  • Fluid-Structure interactions
  • Advanced experimental methods
  • Machine learning

  • 开发折射率匹配流环,以实现部分遮挡层析PIV流量测量的应用和评估局限性. Bettis Laboratory, 2021-2022.
  • 研究河流植被水弹性响应的综合结构-流动跟踪实验方案. University of Notre Dame Seed Grant, 2020-2021.
  • barchan沙丘近地表湍流的协调实验和模拟:为沙丘迁移和相互作用模型提供信息. NSF-CBET, 2016-2020.
  • The fluid mechanics of geological carbon-dioxide sequestration. Kyushu University / University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign, 2015-2020.
  • The hydrodynamics of microbial landscapes. Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), 2013-2017.
  • 壁面渗透性和表面-地下相互作用对湍流边界层结构的影响:一种创新的实验方法. NSF-CBET, 2012-2017.
  • Role of interfacial turbulence in hyporheic exchange and fine particle dynamics. NSF-EAR, 2012-2016.

  • Gundersen, D. , Christensen, K. T., & Blois, G. (2021)“一种水下柔性植被水弹性响应的研究方法”. Water Resource Research. 58(6), p.e2021WR031744.
  • Bristow, N. R., Blois, G., Best, J. L. & Christensen, K. T. (2021)“上覆边界层结构调制的Barchan沙丘尾迹湍流非定常动力学”. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. doi:10.1017/jfm.2021.476.
  • Gundersen, D. , Blois, G. & Christensen, K. T. (2021) “Flow Past Mound-Bearing Impact Craters: An Experimental Study”. Fluids.
  • Li, Y., Blois, G., +Kazemifar, F., & K.T. Christensen(2021)“强排水和弱吸胀条件下二维轴对称多孔微模型中液体co2 -水位移的孔隙尺度动力学:高速μPIV测量”. Frontiers in Water.
  • Kazemifar, F., Blois, G., Aybar, A., Perez Calleja, P., Nerenberg, R., Sinha, S., Hardy, R,J., Best, J.L., Sambrook Smith, G.H., & K.T. Christensen (2021) “The Effect of Biofilms on Turbulent Flow Over Permeable Beds”. Water Resources Research.
  • Li, Y., Blois, G., +Kazemifar, F., & K.T. Christensen(2021)“一种基于粒子的图像分割方法用于非混相多相流PIV图像的相分离和界面检测”. Measurement Science & Technology. 32(9), p.095208.
  • Blois, G., ∗Bristow, N., ∗Kim, T., Best, J. L. & Christensen, K. T. (2020)“一种新型水槽环境使PIV能够测量复杂地形周围和内部的湍流”. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001733.
  • Bristow, N. R.,Blois, G., Best, J. L., & Christensen, K. T. (2020)“与孤立和相互作用的Barchan沙丘相关的二次流和涡结构”. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 125, e2019JF005257. 2019JF005257.
  • Kim, T., Blois, G., Best, J. L. & Christensen, K. T. (2020) “Experimental Evidence of Amplitude Modulation in Permeable-wall Turbulence”. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 887. doi:10.1017/jfm.2019.1027.
  • Bristow, N.R., Blois, G., Best, J.L. & Christensen, K.T.(2019)“与相互作用的Barchan沙丘相关的湍流结构的空间尺度”. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface. 124(5), pp.1175-1200.
  • Kim, T., Blois, G., Best, J.L. and Christensen, K.T., (2019) “PIV Measurements of Turbulent Flow Overlying Large, Cubic- and Hexagonally-packed Hemisphere Arrays”. Journal of Hydraulic Research. pp.1-21.
  • Li, Y., Blois, G., +Kazemifar, F. & Christensen, K.T. (2019)“二维非均质多孔微模型中水和液体/超临界CO2孔隙尺度多相流的高速量化:流动状态和界面动力学”. Water Resources Research. doi:org/10.1029 /2018WR024635.
  • Bristow, N. R., Blois, G., Best, J. L., & Christensen, K. T. (2018) “Turbulent Flow Structure Associated with Collision Between Laterally Offset, Fixed-Bed Barchan Dunes”. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface. doi: 10.1029/2017JF004553. Cover Article.
  • Roche, K.R., Blois, G., Best, J.L., Christensen, K.T., Aubeneau, A.F. & Packman, A.I., (2018) “Turbulence Links Momentum and Solute Exchange in Coarse Grained–streambeds”. Water Resources Research. 54(5), pp.3225-3242. doi: 10.1029/2017WR021992
  • Kim, T., Blois, G., Best, J. L. & Christensen, K. T. (2018)“立方体球体壁面上和壁面内湍流的实验研究:地形的影响”, Permeability and Wall Thickness”. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow. 73, 16-29. doi: 10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2018.06.004
  • Li, Y., +Kazemifar, F., Blois, G., & K.T. Christensen(2017)“二维非均质多孔微模型中水和液态CO2多相流动的微piv测量”. Water Resource Research, 53, 6178-6196, doi:10.1002/2017WR020850. Received “Editor Highlight” distinction.
  • Johnson, K., Thurow, B., ∗Kim, T.,Blois, G., & K.T. Christensen(2017)“半球形粗糙度单元尾流中的体积速度测量”. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. doi: 10.2514/1.J055454.
  • Wang, C., ∗Bristow, N., Blois, G., Christensen, K.T., & W. Anderson(2017),“偏置合并沙丘相互作用阶段流动的数值与实验研究”. Computers & Fluids. Vol. 158, 72-83. 22. Sinha, S., Hardy, R.,Blois, G., Best, J., & G. Sambrook Smith(2017)“河床渗透率对决定河流沙丘流动结构重要性的数值研究”. Water Resources Research, Vol. 53, 3067-3086, Doi: 10.1002/2016WR019662.
  • Kazemifar, F., Blois, G., Kyritsis, D.C., & K.T. Christensen(2016)“使用荧光显微镜和微观PIV量化二维多孔微模型中超临界co2 -水驱替的流动动力学”. Advances in Water Resources, Vol. 95, 352-368. doi: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2015.05.011.
  • Kazemifar, F., Blois, G., Kyritsis, D.C., & K.T. Christensen(2015)“微模型中CO2和水的多相高压流速度场测量方法”. Water Resources Research, Vol. 51(4), 3017-3029. doi: 10.1002/2014WR016787.
  • Blois, G., Barros, J.M. & K.T. Christensen(2015)“研究孔隙网络微模型中不混相液-液相互作用的微观粒子图像测速(μPIV)方法”. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics,Vol. 18(5), 1391-1406. doi: 10.1007/s10404-014-1537-1.
  • Blois, G., Best, J.L., G.H. Sambrook Smith & R.J. Hardy (2014) “Effect of Bed Permeability and Hyporheic Flow on Turbulent Flow Over Bedforms. Geophysical Research Letters”, Vol. 41(18), 6435-6442. doi: 10.1002/2014GL060906.
  • Blois, G., Sambrook Smith G.H., Best, J. L., Hardy, R. J., & J.R. Lead(2012)“使用时间分辨内窥镜粒子成像测速法(E-PIV)量化可渗透床内的流动动力学”. Experiments in Fluids, 53(1), 51-76. doi: 10.1007/s00348-011-1198-8.

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