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Cody Britson: My Personal Development Led Me Here

Cody Britson studying in the UI Commons.
Cody Britson is a member of the Class of 2016 studying philosophy in the College of Letters, 艺术 and Social Sciences. His passion for learning has affirmed his dedication to ethics and logic.

“这个结果, 然后, is that more plentiful and better-quality goods are more easily produced if each person does one thing for which he is naturally suited, does it at the right time, and is released from having to do any of the others.”

- The Republic, Book II

When I read this quote in the book The Republic, I associated it with the concept of the old popular adage, "Do What You Love." Within its original context, there is this political ideology, but outside of that context, it is an inspirational quote that may spur someone to go out into the world and pursue what they love – advancing all the fields of work.

I first read The Republic in high school. While reading it, I was so overwhelmed by the philosophical and life-affirming messages that I decided I needed to dedicate my life to studying ethics and logic. My journey of discovery and personal development would lead me to the University Idaho 哲学 Department. Our professors in the philosophy department put forth an immense amount of effort to teach us. This also inspires me to match the amount of work they’re doing. Education is expensive and the costs go up every year. In order to make ends meet, many students work so many hours that they can barely pass their classes. You make it possible for me focus on my passion of studying philosophy. 谢谢你!.

谢谢你! for making it possible for me focus on my passion of studying philosophy.

Article by Cody Britson


Department of Politics and 哲学

Physical Address:
205 Administration Building

Mailing Address:
Department of Politics and 哲学
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 3165
莫斯科, ID 83844-3165

Phone: 208-885-6328


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