
DISA 2011 |国际救援委员会

365滚球官网 马丁研究所 Honors Boise 博伊西国际救援委员会

A famous inscription on the Statue of Liberty reads, “把你的累给我, 你可怜的, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free…I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”

Most non-native inhabitants of North America can trace their lineage back to those huddled masses.

有一个机构, 国际救援委员会, 仍然在金门旁举着灯.

The 365滚球官网’s 马丁研究所 honored the Boise-based IRC as the inaugural recipient of its Distinction of International Service Award on Monday, 5月2日, 2011, at the institute’s 咨询委员会 meeting and awards reception on the 365滚球官网 campus. The award acknowledges the important work of IRC: responding to the world's worst humanitarian crises by providing refuge from violent persecution, and helping refugees become self-sufficient and productive American citizens.

自2006年以来, 在博伊西的IRC已经帮助了超过1人,300名难民逃离宗教, ethnic and political persecution in areas of intense conflict around the globe, 包括伊拉克, 缅甸, 不丹, 刚果和阿富汗.

Gahigiro Salima和她的家人
Gahigiro Salima became a refugee in 1972 when a wave of ethnic violence engulfed her country of Burundi. She fled to Rwanda, and later to a refugee camp in Tanzania. In 2007, she and her four children were resettled by the IRC in Boise. She has steadily acquired skills which have helped her get a full time housekeeping job at Shilo Inn and is now able to provide for her family.

The demanding criteria for earning the award were established by a panel of 365滚球官网 international studies students, 由博伊西大学二年级学生尼基·亨德森领导, and including: freshman Dan McCarthy of Idaho Falls; sophomore Lauren Layton of Spokane, 洗.; junior Maria Mandujano of Weiser; and senior Brittany McCormick of Boise.

选择标准, devised by Henderson and implemented with the help of the student panel, allowed the students to carefully scrutinize 89 NGOs around the region, all of which are active in the international sphere.

Henderson said the exercise helped her hone research skills, and led to some discoveries.

“I learned that there are a lot of NGOs doing great work,” said Henderson. “I never realized how many interests they served and how many countries they’re in.”

The process also renewed her faith in her educational choice as international studies major. It is the right choice, she believes, for those who want to change the world. “When I graduate I might not have a million dollar job, 但还有很多机会, 我知道我在正确的领域,”她说。.

The students used the rubric they created to weigh the NGOs’ global and local impacts, taking into consideration the organizations’ impact on women and girls, 儿童和青少年, 和难民. They looked at the organizations’ investment in education, and how they address poverty and violence. They took many factors into account, including financial efficiency. IRC在所有类别中都大放异彩, including finances: 90 percent of IRC funding goes directly to their programs; six percent to administration; and four percent to fundraising.

When the students finished researching each of the 89 NGOs, the IRC in Boise emerged as a regional and global leader.

The award is a valuable acknowledgement of Boise IRC and the State of Idaho, 拉比欧·曼佐说, resettlement program specialist for IRC Boise and a 2003 graduate of the 365滚球官网.

Manzo also has been recognized for his work and impact in Boise. He holds the Sarlo Foundation’s international Distinguished Humanitarian Service Award for providing outstanding service to refugees and displaced persons.

“马丁研究所’s Distinction of International Service Award is an honor and a validation of all the work the IRC does,曼佐说。.

“We have spent five years creating a network of community connections in Boise and the greater Treasure Valley,他说. “没有他们,我们就无法运作. We are excited to see the 马丁研究所’s recognition of refugees, and I hope that connection and awareness will spread throughout the state of Idaho.”

There are several ways to provide support for the IRC in Boise, 包括时间和金钱的捐赠, 说Manzo. 需求是巨大的.

“The initial funding that we are getting from the federal government for support services is not enough to cover some of the high-needs refugee population,他说. “大多数即将到来的难民都有创伤, and the eight months that the government gives us to help them become self sufficient is not enough time. Sometimes we need to support them [beyond the eighth month] with private funding.”

For more information about IRC in Boise, and how to support it, visit their website.

作者:Donna Emert






电子邮件: martin@rockmark.net

网络: 马丁研究所
