

The five students in the 2017-18 马丁365滚球官网计划, 以研究为重点的密集课程, delve into global indigenous studies with faculty mentor 阿什利。科尔

去年, 阿尔玛熟食ć has studied the opioid crisis facing indigenous people in the United States.

一名大四学生 国际研究西班牙语 在365滚球官网 马丁365滚球官网计划, Delić received $1,000 to support her research.

“I watch PBS a lot, 和 I had been seeing so many things about the opioid crisis,德利奇说. “I started to wonder how that would be affecting indigenous communities. They are some of the most affected populations in the entire U.S.”

Each year, the 马丁的365滚球官网, sponsored by the 马丁研究所 in U of I’s 文学、艺术和社会科学学院, selects four or five individuals to participate in the intensive program. 经过六周的课程, the scholars develop an independent research project to pursue with that year’s faculty member.

“It’s a chance for a group of undergraduates to really have graduate school seminar experience, where you are working one-on-one with a faculty member 和 also have the time 和 the space to be able to try doing independent research,阿什利·科尔说, an assistant professor of 西班牙语 和 Latin American studies, 谁领导了今年的马丁365滚球官网项目.


克尔的研究重点是人类学如何, politics 和 literature mold racial identities for indigenous 和 non-indigenous populations. She selected global indigenous studies as the topic for the students to focus on for the semester.

“There are so many connections in how indigenous people were treated across the world 和 are treated today 和 getting to see those connections has been really interesting for me,科尔说。.

Kerr is in the process of writing a book describing gender discrimination, how it can be an aspect of racial discrimination, 和 how this contributed to the indigenous genocide that took place in Argentina during the 19th Century.

在前六周的课程中, students learned about what being indigenous means, what kinds of problems indigenous people tend to face 和 the history of colonization.

“每年都有不同的主题, 今年正是我的拿手好戏,凯瑟琳·叶恩说, 主修法语的大四学生, 国际研究和政治学, with a minor in comparative international politics.

Yenne has done service trips to work with refugees in Twin Falls, Idaho. As a Martin Scholar, she is researching how the U.S. can make reparations to indigenous people who were made to participate in forced boarding 和 education.

“I’m really interested in refugee law 和 so this is kind of the perfect culmination in terms of refugee work 和 just really wanting to gain an international perspective 和 talk about identity 和 all of these different components that fit into indigeneity,Yenne说.



Students in the 马丁365滚球官网计划 dedicate about four hours a week to reading articles 和 conducting secondary research.

“This research is interesting because you are surrounded by people who are so supportive of you tackling this higher-level research opportunity,德利奇说. “The most important thing for me is that I’m excited about what I’m researching. I feel like if you aren’t excited, you’ll never be satisfied.”

While Delić 和 Yenne are focusing on the United States, other students in the class are studying the Masai people in Tanzania 和 Kenya, 以及澳大利亚的土著居民.


The 马丁365滚球官网计划 has afforded its students countless opportunities for growth.

“It’s a chance for a group of undergraduates to really have graduate school seminar experience, where you are working one-on-one with a faculty member 和 also have the time 和 the space to be able to try doing independent research,阿什利·科尔说.

“Being a Martin Scholar has taught me a lot about what I like 和 what I don’t like. It taught me how worthwhile it is to have a good mentor when pursuing research, 和 that it’s always good to have a team that is talking about real world problems 和 coming up with solutions,德利奇说.

Delić will graduate in May 2018 和 hopes to teach kids in Spain for the next year. She eventually hopes to become an advisor to students preparing to study abroad.

Yenne wants to continue her studies in public policy 和 reform by becoming an immigration attorney.

The 马丁365滚球官网计划 has trained 57 students since it was created in 2005. 马丁研究所 established the program to help 国际研究 majors be more competitive for post-graduation employment 和 admission into graduate programs.

“The 国际研究 program is fantastic when it comes to community 和 investing in their students,Yenne说. “These sorts of programs are fantastic 和 they are definitely worth the dollars to put them on.” 

Article by Madison Perdue ’18, Public Relations, CLASS







电子邮件: martin@rockmark.net

网络: 马丁研究所
