

农学院 & 生命科学

E. J. Iddings Agricultural Science Laboratory, Room 52




电子邮件: ag@rockmark.net



The University of Idaho is just one stop on Nolan Cumming’s path — but it’s a vital stop. Cumming will graduate in May 2023 with a degree in 农业综合企业 from the 农学院 and 生命科学 and commission as an Ensign in the Navy — one step closer to his goal of becoming a naval aviator.


Cumming grew up on his family’s cattle ranch in Jiggs, Nevada and developed a love for aviation. He started flight lessons at age 15 and flew an aircraft solo before he could drive a vehicle. He worked in aviation maintenance at the local airport during high school and wanted a career that would allow him to fly.

Joining the military was always in the back of his mind and after meeting with Air Force and Navy recruiters, 还有很多祈祷, 道路变得清晰了.

“I kind of wrote it off because there was never a guarantee that I’d be able to fly because you don’t always have a say,他说. “But I put that by the wayside and decided that the adventure and the ability to go into the Navy would be worth it and now the path that I’m on will allow me to fly, 希望.”

After graduating from high school in 2016, Cumming enlisted in the Navy as an aviation structural mechanic.

“I didn’t know what the Navy would be like,他说. “如果我想飞, I’m going to have about a 10-year commitment, and I didn’t want to give anyone 10 years if I don’t know what they’re about. So, I decided to do my four years as enlisted and see if I liked it and found out that I loved it.”

Once he knew he was on the right path, Cumming set his sights on completing his goal of flying. Naval aviators are required to have a bachelor’s degree, so Cumming applied for the Seaman to Admiral-21 (STA-21) enlisted-to-officer commissioning program.

The program allows participants to remain on active duty and pays for part of their tuition, 费用和书籍. Only about 50 sailors are selected each year, 在这些点中, only a few are reserved for aspiring pilots. After a lengthy process of applications, 面试, 重考高考,再加上一点运气, 卡明被选中了.

“By the grace of God, I was able to slip into one of those spots,他说. “I actually got into it selected as an alternate, 没有人会放弃他们的位置, but come to find out the guy ahead of me was too short.”


Cumming applied to three universities with 海军后备军官训练队 programs and U of I was at the top of his list — despite never stepping foot on campus.

“I wanted to come back to the west coast, and I’ve always loved Idaho,他说. “I needed to submit a degree plan as soon as possible and Ms. Gleason had my degree plan the next day. So, I said, alright, I’m going to Idaho.”

While he did consider majoring in mechanical engineering, Cumming decided to follow in his father’s footsteps and pursue an 农业综合企业 degree to broaden his education outside of aviation.

“My dad had an agricultural business in Elko, so I grew up living on the ranch and being with my dad and being around his business, so I wanted to follow in his footsteps and do ag business,他说.

After his first class, he knew he’d made the right decision.

“教授们太不可思议了. My first class was with Norm Ruhoff and being able to be around him made me stoked about my degree after going through those classes,他说. “It’s just down to earth, the entire department and college is.”

Cumming hopes to one day use his 农业综合企业 degree on his own operation.

“My fiancée is also from an agricultural background. So, it would be awesome if we had some land of our own someday so we can get back into agriculture,他说.

现在, Cumming is looking forward to getting back to his passion — and helping others along the way.

“我只想坐到座位上. But you can’t be there just for the flying, you have to be there for the people too,他说. “They need good officers and I want to be that person. I have met some incredible leaders while I’ve been enlisted so I want to do the best I can when I get there. 它不仅仅是飞行.”

本文由 艾米Calabretta, 农学院 and 生命科学



Nolan Cumming received the U of I Rodrick Mayer Naval 校友 Scholarship for exceptional leadership and superb academic achievements.


农学院 & 生命科学

E. J. Iddings Agricultural Science Laboratory, Room 52




电子邮件: ag@rockmark.net
