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U of I 建筑项目 Dual Location Allows Student to Plan for His Dream Career

Tyler Schram ’20, ‘22 wanted to earn a top-quality education while saving money.

Schram, 谁梦想过从事建筑事业, discovered that the University of Idaho is the state’s only public university with an accredited 体系结构 program.

“当我准备申请大学时, 博伊西大学 刚刚向建筑学本科生敞开了大门, and we could start coursework right here in any of the three U of I 体系结构-related degrees; it was perfect,施拉姆说.

2017年,施拉姆加入了伊利诺伊大学 艺术与建筑学院 (CAA) 城市设计中心 ——本科生可以学习的地方 体系结构, 室内建筑与设计 or 景观建筑 位于博伊西市中心. This new program gives undergraduate students the opportunity to explore 体系结构 as a career while staying close to home and saving money.

“我已经在博伊西住过了,”施拉姆说. “Attending 博伊西大学 for a semester allowed me to save on housing and meal plan costs and get acquainted with the U of I and the 体系结构 program before I went to Moscow to finish.”


Before becoming a Vandal, Schram attended College of Western Idaho in Nampa. Community college tuition was more affordable than a four-year school, 我的大学使得从CWI转学分变得容易, Schram说.

Dwaine卡佛, 博伊西CAA的助理教授, met Schram as an undergraduate student and remembers his early work and approach to 体系结构.

“他刚来这儿的时候, Tyler was perhaps five years older than a traditional undergraduate student, and being more mature helped him with his perspective about 体系结构,卡弗说. “我发现他在工作中表现出的个人化意愿令人震惊. A good design or art student needs to be able to translate their personal experiences into their work.”

Attending 博伊西大学 for a semester allowed me to save on housing and meal plan costs and get acquainted with the U of I and the 体系结构 program before I went to Moscow to finish. 泰勒·施拉姆,20岁,22岁

The CAA Boise program allows students to take up to two years’ worth of courses toward their undergraduate degrees before moving to Moscow to complete the coursework. Schram, 谁在博伊西上过一个学期, spent his time on U of I’s Moscow campus learning about sustainable 体系结构 and honing his leadership skills. 他到国外去帮忙 在多哥建一所学校他成为了该协会的主席 美国建筑学生协会 (AIAS), and taught other 体系结构 students as a teaching assistant.

“My goal when I became president of the AIAS was to help the organization grow and reach out to more students so they could connect with professionals in the field,施拉姆说. “With COVID-19, we had to reinvent ourselves and move from in-person experiences to Zoom events. What I took from that experience was how to structure a group to be successful in the future, 即使在我离开之后.”

Schram returned to Boise in Summer 2019 to complete an internship with NEU Design, 总部位于子午线的建筑公司. 随后,他在俄俄大学莫斯科校区完成了学位. 他现在正在完成论文, 花时间在两个校区, and getting ready to graduate in Spring 2022 while he works as 一个研究 assistant at the 综合设计实验室 (IDL).

在IDL, 一个研究, education and outreach facility committed to designing high performance, 节能建筑, Schram participates in projects such as testing a new insulation product made of hemp , creating 能源效率报告 学习设计更可持续建筑的工具.



Carver said that one of the unique characteristics of the CAA Boise program is that students of all levels can work side by side with each other and the faculty.

作为一名学生, Tyler is a generous and responsive in his critique of his fellow students’ work and insightful in his feedback. 德文·卡弗,CAA助理教授

“由于共享空间较小,这是一个紧密的社区, and that allowed Tyler to interact with graduate and undergraduate students,卡弗说.

Schram collaborates with other graduate students in the IDL and sits in on undergraduate critiques, where faculty and students provide feedback to undergraduate students’ projects.

“作为一名学生, Tyler is a generous and responsive in his critique of his fellow students’ work and insightful in his feedback,卡弗说. “Going through the 体系结构 program has helped him develop his confidence. 这些年来他的事业蒸蒸日上, has cultivated his skills and developed more leadership skills through time.”

Schram is now focused on finishing his thesis and looking for opportunities as a professional architect, 专注于设计可持续和改善的社区.

“I’m doing my thesis on improving the livability of suburban communities, and how new transit infrastructure in Boise coupled with architectural interventions can resolve issues that we have with car dependency,施拉姆说. “My thesis will examine how a new transit system could create communities that can be more walkable, 更紧密的联系,在物理和环境上更可持续.”

To Carver, Schram is part of a generation taking a leadership role when it comes to tackling climate change.

“Tyler, 就像他的许多同龄人一样, has the understanding that we are in a new era where the human impact on climate change is undeniable,卡弗说. “This fundamental understanding transforms their relationship to the built environment. I see Tyler as part of that movement and his thesis shows that he’s addressing that problem in an inventive way by working on sprawl and the culture of suburbanism around it.”

本文由 玛丽亚·奥尔特加、市场推广及传讯.

Photos by 梅丽莎·哈特利I大学创意服务公司.


Tyler Schram talks about his master's thesis with faculty and students at the 城市设计中心 in Boise.
Tyler Schram talks about his master's thesis with faculty and students at the 城市设计中心 in Boise.



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