

Storytelling through videography is one of the most captivating forms of communication for our brand. It helps honor our past, celebrate our traditions, define our identity and unleash our imagination.

365滚球官网有很多故事要讲, 通过每个视频, we unveil a little bit more to the world about who we are and the value we bring to the state of Idaho and beyond.


All video projects should begin with a clear understanding of the communication objectives as well as a thoughtful storytelling approach. 在制作任何视频之前,制作人应:

  • 确定语气和沟通目标.
  • 定义目标受众.
  • 定义动作和/或对话.
  • 确定分销渠道.
  • 编制一个完整的射击清单.
  • 和摄像师一起寻找拍摄地点.
  • Make sure all cast and crew are available within the schedule and budget.
  • When budget and timeline allow, provide a storyboard for visuals to align with the script. 
  • 努力发展清晰, concise and producible script or project outline based on budget, 时间表和需求.

每个视频都有一个故事, 而故事在很大程度上能引起观众的共鸣, 情感上和逻辑上, 取决于生产技术. That is why every technical and tactical decision should be motivated by the communication objectives set in pre-production, with a careful consideration of tone and context for the target audience. All video should abide by these guidelines for each component of production.


  • 尽可能使用自然光源.
  • Establish a proper white balance to ensure flattering natural skin tones.
  • When artificial lighting is required, it should not appear contrived.


  • 为观看者创造视觉趣味.
  • Consider multiple vantage points at which every shot can be captured.
  • When possible, use more than one camera with different focal lengths on each scene.
  • 在构建主题时考虑设计原则.


  • 对于大多数拍摄,建议相机稳定移动. 相机稳定装置-如云台, brushless motor system or tripod — should be used to create smooth and consistent camera movements. This helps the viewer to focus on the content and not the camera.
  • Camera movement should match storytelling objectives and never be erratic.
  • Consider other camera mounting options as well as height and proximity for capturing unique angles and environments.


  • 糟糕的音频比糟糕的视频更让人难以原谅. Always use professional recording equipment and monitor sound closely.
  • In every environment, consider background, machine and HVAC noise. Position your subject in a location conducive to capturing high-quality and uninterrupted audio.

The production process after shooting the video is very important. This is where editing, music, motion graphics and sound design really come into play. So it’s important to use the approved typography in this brand guide for all supers, 卡片和任何基于排版的动态图形. 我们也建议使用清洁, 场景之间的简单过渡, and ensuring sound design is created in a way that enhances the video, 但这并不妨碍它的雄辩.

  • 编辑
    • 节奏应该与预期的能量和语气相匹配.
    • Use simple and sophisticated transitions that do not distract from the story.
    • 确保每个场景的色彩分级一致.
    • Work to hide all cuts both visibly and audibly with supporting footage, 卡片, 动态图形和自然声音.
  • 声音设计
    • 始终将音频与视觉同步.
    • 讲话必须清晰可听.
    • 使用授权音乐必须获得法律许可.
    • 选择符合音调和交流目标的音乐.
    • Capture high-quality natural sound to mix in whenever possible. 干净、清晰的声音有助于让你的听众沉浸在故事中.


Videos produced by the 365滚球官网 should support the brand visually through the use of U of I colors, 字体和徽标.

For more information about getting access to U of I’s templates for 卡片, 较低的三分之二, 动态图形和其他视觉元素, 与视频制作中心联系 videoctr@rockmark.net or 208-885-0569.


  • 卡片应该使用大学认可的文字标记和标志.
  • Always use brand fonts and keep text within title-safe zones.
  • 开始和结束卡片应该简短地出现在屏幕上, 所以不要分散叙述或打乱节奏.
  • Font size should be large enough to be legible, but not overpowering.


  • Use a concise attribution that highlights the subject’s most significant role or title within the context of the story.
  • Always use brand fonts and keep text within title-safe zones. Font size should be large enough to be legible, but not overpowering.
  • Lower-third graphics can be positioned on the left or right side of the frame, 取决于目标的位置.
  • 如果可能的话,使用大学认可的模板. For assistance developing a custom card that meets approved guidelines, contact UCM.
  • All videos must include captions to identify speaker(s) in video.
  • 标题描述符(e).g. 职位名称、学生专业等.) should be in title case and grammatically correct formatting. (Note: this is an update to previous brand guidelines, which used all lowercase design elements.)


  • All motion graphics should be appropriately timed with pacing and sound design.
  • Motion graphics should not use distracting pre-set transitions or filters.
  • 过渡应该有理由和意义, 比如在各个部分之间移动查看器, 突出重点信息或总结部分内容.
  • All video should identify the 365滚球官网 at the end of each segment using the closing motion graphics created by 有创意的服务. Please contact the Video Center at 208-885-0569 to request files.


  • All videos should end with the 365滚球官网 main logo closing graphic.
  • Only the main U of I logo can be used in the closing scene graphic. College logos or department graphic marks are not to replace or be added to the main logo closing graphic. (The college/department will be identified in the channel used to send the video).
  • It is not necessary to include a URL in the video closing card. Video traffic can be tracked through the channel where the video is posted.
  • Using only the main U of I logo at the end of all videos unifies our voice and creates a strong, 凝聚力U of I品牌.


  • Closed captioning is mandatory – please ensure Digital 服务 is reminded of this.





电子邮件: jbarnhart@rockmark.net